It's pretty common knowledge right now that ever since ZoS made the destruction line rework, Ice staves went from uncommonly use to almost non existing. Most tanks won't waste their time with it and it's got nothing going for dps'ers unless they're role playing.
Not to mention, the one class that could possibly use it *ahem* Wardens, can't even effectively use a staff element they're partially built around. I know this doesn't happen often, but ZoS should really think about reworking the ice staff yet again.
I have an idea that could work. Currently, we use the fire staff for single target dps, the shock for AoE but what if they built the Frost staff around crits ? It'd make it a competitive pve and pvp option and would give magicka Wardens a new toy. (They could really use it)
For example:
For the Trifocus passive:
"Fully charged frost heavy attacks on chilled targets causes the brittle effect increasing your critical damage to the effected target by x% for y seconds"
Then for Ancient Knowledge:
"The frost staff increases the users critical chance by x%"
Not only would give dps'ers another competitive option, but it would 1) increase build diversity and 2) promote birth sign diversity since the default dps birth sign is the thief. The additional crit along with the thief bs would be far too much and other birth signs would be more optimal.
What do you guys think? Any other ideas ?
Edited by subtlezeroub17_ESO on August 24, 2017 4:18PM