Question about Guild Banks

Recently I've gotten out of my anti-social shell and joined a couple of trade guilds. They're both filled with good sorts and have been very helpful so i wanted to show some appreciation by donating mats that I've been hoarding. Trouble is while I can donate to one guild, i can't donate to the other. I'm only running a handful of addons, but even after disabling all of them I'm only able to access one of the guild banks. When i asked in guild chat if that was a permission I was supposed to first gain, I was told everyone can deposit freely into the guild bank.

Has anyone else run into this or knows why only one would be accessible to me? Really lost here and would appreciate any advice.
  • coop500
    What do you mean by can't? Do you know how to switch between guild banks while in the guild bank menu at the bank NPC?
    Hoping for more playable races
  • Left4Daud

    The reason why you can donate to one guild's bank and not to the other is because of permissions. Guilds have ranks, and these ranks have set permissions usually determined by the guild master, or another high ranking officer. It sounds like one of your guilds has more strict permissions for bank access, preventing new members from using (or abusing this feature) while the other guild does not have these restrictions enabled. Unless it is a bug, that is the only thing that would explain being able to access some of your guild banks and not all of them.

    I hope this clears up your question.

    Edit: Apparently you already asked about permissions in game, so I guess I'm as lost as you.

    Edited by Left4Daud on August 21, 2017 8:17PM
  • Royaji
    Hit "F" (or whatever console peasants use instead) on the guild bank screen.
  • Fherrit
    Thanks for the replies, going to answer each in turn to hopefully get some clarity on this :)
    coop500 wrote: »
    What do you mean by can't? Do you know how to switch between guild banks while in the guild bank menu at the bank NPC?

    I mean I'm literally unable to switch between the two trade guilds when it comes to making a deposit. When I go to store selection, I have the ability to freely switch between the two for either buying from or listing products to. But when it comes to withdraw/deposit to the guild bank, only one is accessible. There is no pull down menu or hot key alternative for making a choice between the two, there is only the 1.
    Left4Daud wrote: »

    The reason why you can donate to one guild's bank and not to the other is because of permissions. Guilds have ranks, and these ranks have set permissions usually determined by the guild master, or another high ranking officer. It sounds like one of your guilds has more strict permissions for bank access, preventing new members from using (or abusing this feature) while the other guild does not have these restrictions enabled. Unless it is a bug, that is the only thing that would explain being able to access some of your guild banks and not all of them.

    I hope this clears up your question.

    Edit: Apparently you already asked about permissions in game, so I guess I'm as lost as you.

    Hi @Left4Daud, I too assumed at first that it was a permission requirement as that made a sort of intuitive sense that a GL would want to restrict access to withdraw from the guild's vaults to the officers. When I posted the question in guild chat, several answered that all were allowed to freely deposit, but only officers were allowed to withdraw. However I am new to the guild, only 8 days so far, so perhaps there's a probationary period that the other members who answered aren't aware of. I'll check in with the officers specifically (none were on line at the time of asking) and see if that's the case. Logically it would make sense, and I hope that's the case as I'd be at a loss to explain anything else as a possibility.

    Royaji wrote: »
    Hit "F" (or whatever console peasants use instead) on the guild bank screen.

    I run on a PC, never could get behind consoles. But to respond to the point, there is only the one option with a default hot key so I'm assuming it's likely a permission thing. I'm hopeful that it is, I don't mind earning my privleges, but even at the time of this posting several members in guildchat are adamant that even newcomers are able to deposit so hopefully when a officer logs on I'll be able to get to the bottom of this issue. Thanks for the reply :)
    Edited by Fherrit on August 21, 2017 10:04PM
  • SirAndy
    The drop-down for the guild selection is in different placed on the UI depending on whether you are in the guild store or the guild bank.
  • Fherrit
    SirAndy wrote: »
    The drop-down for the guild selection is in different placed on the UI depending on whether you are in the guild store or the guild bank.

    Thanks for that tip @SirAndy , just to cover the bases that I'm communicating clearly, on my pc ui its on the bottom of my screen when I select "Guild Bank". I am however, still unable to access the 2nd guild bank as a choice, and unfortunately did not have opportunity to speak with a officer of the 2nd guild I'm trying to donate mats to yesterday. I'm off work tonight so hopefully one of the Officers will log on and I can have some feedback from him/her as to what the process involves. I'll post the results here for others to see just in case anyone else is running into this issue.
  • coop500
    How many members are in the second guild?
    Hoping for more playable races
  • Fherrit
    coop500 wrote: »
    How many members are in the second guild?

    Sorry for delayed posting, was out of town the last few days. I'm not sure how many people are in my guild TBH, but the 2nd guild is much larger, containing a kiosk in Sentinel. But it was from a co-worker last night that I discovered where the confusion lay. @Royaji actually gave me the right answer, but unfortunately I didn't put 2 and 2 together from it =P (not that his answer was vague or anything, I just didn't connect the dot). But when discussing this with my co-worker he cleared up what my misunderstanding was.

    I thought based on how the UI gives you choices that I would either have a pull down menu similar to when I'm access the guild store to choose between guild banks, but as you all know, that's not the case. When I saw that the "F" key on the bottom only presented the first guild, I thought that was a confirmation key, as in hit this key, this is the guild bank you will access. I didn't realize this was how ZOS decided one would choose between guilds.

    Rather unintuitive I said, to which he replied that there are a lot of things about the UI that make zero sense to a PC only gamer, as a great deal of their UI structure is designed to accommodate the far more limited capabilities of consoles. Because I've never touched one of those products, I had little familiarity with such design limitations. I can't speak to how true that is or not, but I do know from having had friends over who played Skyrim on console vs my set up on PC, they all commented how much better the graphics and slicker the UI was, plus they had zero options for including mods to enhance the gameplay. Later, when I visited them and got a chance to see how it played/looked on their consoles it struck me how very dull/limited the game played on a console, so perhaps my coworker has the right of it.

    Either way, my 'problem' is solved and I thank all who attempted to help.
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