One you have accepted a master writ then you either do it or abandon it. No other choice sry.
If you use addon Dolgubons Lazy Writ Crafter you have an option to craft an item for a sealed writ.
This means you can craft the item needed without accepting the writ.
Works for, clothing, woodworking, blacksmithing, enchanting
It provides 2 benefits,
- If you can't craft the item for some reason then nothing happens and you still have the writ to save for later or sell.
- If you can craft the item then it is crafted. Also, it allows you to choose other writs of the same type and craft those in the same way (i.e. multiple clothing writs). When you get to Rolis you just accept and hand in each of these already crafted writs in turn.
Hope this helps you in the future
Thanks for the info!
Glad to know I can have more than one writ. I just started going down that path. Not raiding or doing dungeons really does hurt the crafting experience.
One you have accepted a master writ then you either do it or abandon it. No other choice sry.
If you use addon Dolgubons Lazy Writ Crafter you have an option to craft an item for a sealed writ.
This means you can craft the item needed without accepting the writ.
Works for, clothing, woodworking, blacksmithing, enchanting
It provides 2 benefits,
- If you can't craft the item for some reason then nothing happens and you still have the writ to save for later or sell.
- If you can craft the item then it is crafted. Also, it allows you to choose other writs of the same type and craft those in the same way (i.e. multiple clothing writs). When you get to Rolis you just accept and hand in each of these already crafted writs in turn.
For Provisioning I note which items are needed then make all the items without accepting any of the master writs.
When I get to Rolis I just accept and hand in in turn.
For Alchemy I do accept each writ and make before moving on to the next one.
I have never tried pre-making these potions/poisons as basically I don't trust myself to get it right without the system telling me "completed".
btw: Alchemy is always annoying as when I am crafting the items the quest tracker is not visible and this means I need open up my quests, and copy the details using windows snippet onto my second terminal so I can see what to do. I wish it were possible to see the quest while making ( ZOS hint, hint )
Hope this helps you in the future
If the only thing you're missing is the motif, I'd say just buy it. No writs require crown store exclusive motifs and most ingame motifs go for 100-20k gold a page. Well unless you lucked out on Armiger, in which case yeah it's easier to abandon.
If the only thing you're missing is the motif, I'd say just buy it. No writs require crown store exclusive motifs and most ingame motifs go for 100-20k gold a page. Well unless you lucked out on Armiger, in which case yeah it's easier to abandon.
unless you cant find them in any guild store
I have not found any ancient orc pages