I'm making a suggestion of how to connect the cyro to ic and to help distribute play to limit zerging.
IF zos were to make 2 of the milegates and bridges only passable in one direction; maybe the two inner milegates and bridges(maybe another switch in say arrius, faregyle, galdemist for swapping positions) (alesia bridge would have to fixed as its passable without going over the bridge) i.e ep can pass on chalman side, dc can pass on ad side , ad can pass on ep side. and put the control to swap the direction (ep could pass on ad side, ad could pass on dc side, dc could pass on ep side) in IC, if you won all the flags in the city then you could activate the switch.
opening and closing the gates could also be bypassed from a control in home keeps, (the two closest to the gates). If your enemy owned those keeps it could be operated by the enemy.
so basically all gates could be opened, 2 max could closed the position of the perm open gate could be changed the direction of pass could be changed From IC.
I think this would help distribute play across the map each side would have to defend and attack.
I think this would create more reason to go to ic and change the dynamic. It would also be a bit like the eso symbol the dragon eating the phoenix tail the phoenix eating the lions tail and the lion eating the dragon tail
Le me know what you think