I'm guessing you have all 3 jewels with spell damage? I'd kind of think you're probably already optimal(or close to it) for damage with those sets. I'd be a little concerned about your sustain though. 1800 before lich proc feels low to me if using the staff spammable.
What weapon and traits are you using (and is that flexible)? What skills are you slotting?
I usually run my spelldamage glyph on an infused resto - and have curse back-barred.. (so used to starting on the back-bar with LA->curse-> to give that spell-dmg boost)
That frees up your front-bar staff to have a damaging glyph... Perhaps switch it for infused too? (Your pen is already good with spinners/light-armour - and a bit of cp?)
For monster sets, you could go for slimcraw for the straight 8% boost (never tried it myself) - or look for individual pieces for max mag/spell-dmg bonuses.. But its hard to know if those could be out-performed by something like shadowrend or IG.. its kind of situational.
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »
Ya i was thinking that. Whats a good number on that? I was running high pen as i was tired of all the heavy meta and spells hit like a wet noodle.
Hatoreehanzo wrote: »First is to think outside of the box.
2 Julianos Swords
3 Julianos Body 1 Heavy, 1 Medium, 1 Light (Infused chest/legs)
2 War Maiden Body (light, impen)
3 War Maiden Jewelry (I reduced/2 recov)
2 Engine Guardian (light, impen)
1 Maelstrom Resto
Entrop, frags, wrath, curse, inner light, DBoS
Absorb magic, healing ward, hardened ward, dark exchange, streak, lights champion
Hatoreehanzo wrote: »First is to think outside of the box.
2 Julianos Swords
3 Julianos Body 1 Heavy, 1 Medium, 1 Light (Infused chest/legs)
2 War Maiden Body (light, impen)
3 War Maiden Jewelry (I reduced/2 recov)
2 Engine Guardian (light, impen)
1 Maelstrom Resto
Entrop, frags, wrath, curse, inner light, DBoS
Absorb magic, healing ward, hardened ward, dark exchange, streak, lights champion
Ran DW for about a year. I'll smoke a DW sorc.
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »
Ya i was thinking that. Whats a good number on that? I was running high pen as i was tired of all the heavy meta and spells hit like a wet noodle.
I don't run spinners, and I don't want to say any particular number is best for your toon, Only you know that. Me personnaly, I liked having around 20~30 Master At Arms. I wouldn't use that number as a 'dead set' number you should reach for, just make sure you have a good chunk of gold on you and change the stars as the build sees fit.
How I rer-adjust stars is; Typically when I make star changes, I PvP for an hour with the change, re-evaluate, re-open my champion map and reallocate stars as I see fit.
Example of how not to change stars: One guy last night recommended this other player run 50 Ironclad. Other player was complaining about having 28k Resists and getting penetrated and dying quickly(in 1vX). I told him 'Watch for debuffs, LoS, purge debuffs since those are what kill you quick." He proceeded to ignore my advice and change his star.
This is why it's imperative you understand you are the master of your toon, no advice an outsider like me can make him get better. That comes from yourself.
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »
I go 51. Would go more if not for diminishing returns. I don't really know why people don't value it more. I mean, about the only thing in the PVP sorc toolkit that isn't affected by it is eots, soul-assault and dot components from other ulti's. (along with the splash damage from stuff like curse/wrath etc)
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »
I go 51. Would go more if not for diminishing returns. I don't really know why people don't value it more. I mean, about the only thing in the PVP sorc toolkit that isn't affected by it is eots, soul-assault and dot components from other ulti's. (along with the splash damage from stuff like curse/wrath etc)
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »
Ya i was thinking that. Whats a good number on that? I was running high pen as i was tired of all the heavy meta and spells hit like a wet noodle.
I don't run spinners, and I don't want to say any particular number is best for your toon, Only you know that. Me personnaly, I liked having around 20~30 Master At Arms. I wouldn't use that number as a 'dead set' number you should reach for, just make sure you have a good chunk of gold on you and change the stars as the build sees fit.
How I rer-adjust stars is; Typically when I make star changes, I PvP for an hour with the change, re-evaluate, re-open my champion map and reallocate stars as I see fit.
Example of how not to change stars: One guy last night recommended this other player run 50 Ironclad. Other player was complaining about having 28k Resists and getting penetrated and dying quickly(in 1vX). I told him 'Watch for debuffs, LoS, purge debuffs since those are what kill you quick." He proceeded to ignore my advice and change his star.
This is why it's imperative you understand you are the master of your toon, no advice an outsider like me can make him get better. That comes from yourself.
Thanks for the help, much appreciated. I've been playing this game for a few years. I think I'm decent in PVP and I get trying other specs. I guess what I'm looking for maybe is whats a good number for say a frag in PVP? Maybe I'm there. It just seems during my testing that changing say 300 SD or even 3000 Mag it really doesn't effect damage output all that much once battle spirt is applied, maybe 1k. I can kill potatoes all day long, seems thats what a sorcs really built to do. However skilled player running high resist and can heal are virtually unkillable, honestly they could prolly just stand still, hands of the keyboard and mitigate my output (exaggerating a bit but you get the point). I guess i'm looking for the counter to that. Can I build a burst spec to take them out? It's looking like that is a no.