ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »New Furnishings
A number of new recipes and furnishings have been added to the game obtainable by participating in various activites throughout the world. These include but are not limited to harvesting certain types of nodes, participating in Justice activities, and defeating enemies in the new Horns of the Reach dungeons, Coldharbour, and Ayleid Ruins.
You are looking in the right places, the blueprints are just really rare.
@TeIvanni - do you know if the Alyied bookcase is one of the craftable items?
Craftstore added a blueprint for the Ayleid Bookshelf, Cluttered (short) and the Ayleid Bookcase, Cluttered (tall). However, the blueprints may not currently be dropping even though they were datamined, as Telvanni has stated. I don't believe anyone has found an epic Ayleid blueprint yet but a Daedric one has been found.
Farmed various Ayleid dungeons for about 2 hours solo last night and got 2 blue plans:
Ayleid Table, Carved
Ayleid Brazier, Welkynd Holder
From what I can tell, they are dropping form humanoid mobs. Have yet to see any purple drops from friends or guildies. I'm guessing I just got really lucky with my drop rate, seeing what's being reported here.
You were very lucky to get two in such a short amount of time!
I can confirm that they drop from mobs that are not human as well.
Purple Ayleid Furnishing plans do exist...
I was just in a group with some guild members.
We found the Ayleid Bookshelf plan.
GM ninja bought it.
Back to grinding for another 45 hours....
Panthorz86 wrote: »I'm going to do EHI like 10 times tonight will let you know if group gets any results. And by public dungeons: bonesnap, rulanyil's and root sunder yes?
Panthorz86 wrote: »Telvanni - have you got ayleid patterns from mobs inside delves only or can it be an above ground ayleid ruin area?
Curious about the above ground ruins as well. Also, has anyone ever gotten an Ayleid plan from a chest or container in an Ayleid dungeon?
Jaraal - Someone in a guild of mine found the Ayleid tall bookcase pattern in an urn in an Ayleid ruin last week. So containers are a yes. I still don't know about:
- public dungeon bosses
- dungeon treasure chests
- above-ground ruins (I would love to farm these rather than a dungeon, pls confirm if possible, ESO community!)