Let me start by saying i am a subscriber and have played since launch with no breaks. I really enjoy this game most of the time. That being said, there are a couple of things that have began to irk me something fierce.
PTS means public TEST server. The last iteration of the PTS should be what goes live with minor bug fixes included. The reason being it's been TESTED. When you make sweeping changes and push it live you get what we get every major patch, unexpected downtime, major bugs, and issues galore (OH MY!). If ZoS wants to make changes, by all means, have at it. It's your game but why even do a PTS when a lot of the changes that go live were never tested AT ALL.
Next we have hard release dates for content. How can you expect to handle any potential issues/bugs if you are making changes up to and including the live release. Make these dates a little more fluid and make sure you are releasing a product that is functional. Minor issues are one thing but having entire instances and mechanics broken beyond belief is insane.
Also I would like to touch on the atrocious PTS participation. If you would simply listen and actually read the bug reports maybe people would be willing to spend the time testing your product. As it stands now, it's a HUGE waste of time where feedback and bug reports are largely ignored. By all means though, let's adjust the lighting level on this candle. The Falkreath dungeon no death cheeves was busted and reported week one PTS and guess what? Still broken....
And finally, the end game population and the effects of your "balance" changes. While I appreciate how you are trying to manage this game, I have to say it's very disconcerting. The results of the patches over the last 6 months has seen a DRASTIC decline in the end game/competitive population. I'm sure of you reading this are saying, "oh thank rngesus. A few less elitists [snip] to deal with." Im not sure you all realize the impact we have on the game. Just from an economic standpoint, you don't really think that rper in Mournhold is really the one buying your pots, gold tempers, and glyphs do you. That is the endgamers (both PvP and pve).
The changes effecting this aspect of the game are many. Every 2 months we are expected to refarm gear to achieve the very best results in our role. There have been changes made to vHoF dang near every week since release (including this patch). I'm not sure you realize how difficult it is to rearrange a strat involving 12 people every week. The continuous changes to "balance" essential require us to relearn how to play our class/spec every patch. There are many more I'm not going into detail about but you get my point.
I like the play how you want attitude we've got going here. My friends, a shrinking number of others, and I choose to try to be competitive. At every turn we are shot down by ZoS and their balance changes. If the changes that were on the last pts patch went live it would have been good for everyone. They finally succeeded in closing the gap on sets/munduses/traits. But instead of going along with it they change everything with ZERO explanation.
TLDR; don't be lazy [snip]
[edited for flaming]
Edited by ZOS_CoriJ on August 17, 2017 12:16AM DK Tank
Mag DK
Temp Heals
Mag Sorc
Stam NB