Hi guys,
I've got soooo close several times to the no death in Mazzatun but someone always dies on the last boss. I'm looking for tank, healer and decent Dd to help.
You need to know mechanics, pref have a mic and speak English and have tried or done it before.
Equally with cradle of shadows I haven't tried for achievements so if anyone can help there too then let me know!
"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."
Current Toons (Max CP):
Magsorc Breton
Magblade Darkelf
Stam DK Redguard
Healer Templar High Elf
Tank DK Argonian
Stamblade Redguard
Completed: vHoF | vMoL | vSO | vSO HM | vAA | vAA HM | vHR | vHR HM | vMA | vDSA