I did a LOT of testing since the patch droped and I came up with a few conclusions that I assume (yeah I did assume it), that my fellow stamina players might be looking for. The entirety of the tests were done on a character without being affected by outside sources of buffs, basic gear/skill less tests and fully geared/self buffed parses were done, and all results were gathered here. I would also like replyes on you guys results and opinions about the patch here! Here you go:
Gear Combinations
Two-Fanged Serpent still the best major set for stamina classes, due to its high penetration. However when debuffs are applyed it loses its glory and falls behind Twice Born Star and Leviathan.
When Pairing with Two-Fanged Serpent: War machine > Vicious Ophidian > Night Mother's Gaze > Hundings > SunderFlame > Morag Tong
When Pairing with Twice Born Star or Leviathan (when Sunder, NMG and Alkosh are aplied): War Machine > Vicious Ophidian > Hundings Rage / Morag Tong
Testing done on vMA bow Trait
Precise didn't change at all, and even though Sharpened was nerfed, still wasn't enough for precise to catch up, so it still the weakest of the dps oriented weapon traits (RIP). Nerf to Sharpened was rough (but good in my opinion, it brought a lot of build diversity to the game). The two other contendents are Infused and Nirnhoned and these are the results:
Format of the data: Trait(DPS/Highest Hit)
Infused(3217/3744)>Nirnhoned(2721/3011) while staying on bow bar
Nirnhoned(3381/3734)>Infused(3317/3744) while casting and bar swapping
Conclusion: Here's how it works: Nirnhoned gives a high base damage, so the hail starts stronger, where as Infused has a lower base with a higher ceiling. However both ceilings are nearly the same. Thats why Infused is a static trait and suffers no change it has lower base but if increasses damage faster, Nirn on the other hand Starts higher and thus have a headstart on damage, making it so Infused is able to catch up to it due to time. However, Nirn is only able to keep its advantage if you bar swap early on the hail to get extra weapon damage from the front bar and be able to compete with Infused's faster growing numbers. All and all, both traits are the BIS right now, I think Stamina Templars, Sorcerers and Wardens make a better use of the Nirnhoned trait, and Stamina Dragonknights and Nightblades make a better use a static number due to its longer duration of backbar rotation
Moster Helmets
Monster Helmets finaly are a personal thing, due to all of them having unique balanced bonuses and 1/2 piece bonuses. Here's what I found to work well:
2 Stormfist - Highest AOE and decent single target, high Proc chance with a very big area of damage, however it only shines on fights without much movement, as the boss could walk outside of the radius, also has a 1 piece bonus to help stamina sustain.
2 Velidreth - Highest single target and a minor AOE - Still the way to go burst for pve and the second comer for pvp due to its high burst damage, and pretty much garantied hit on the middle spore if you're at least OK positioned.
2 Selene's (StamBlade Only) - Very high single target and aoe alike with a very low cooldown, however it only procs off direct melee damage, being that Rending Slashes' first hit, Light attacks, Heavy attacks, Surprise Attack, Killer's Blade, Venomous Claw's first hit count.
1 Kra'gh's and 1 Velidreth/ 1 Kena - Gives a nice combo of both penetration and weapon damage. The 2 piece Kra'gh's was never its strong point and Kena is very unlikely to shine due to the resource changes, so you get a bit of both and get very nice stats for yourself.
1 Velidreth and 1 Kena - So I heard you wanted Hundings' Rage 5 piece bonus with only 2 pieces of armor left? Very good to stack a lot of weapon damage witout wasting a lot of armor slots.
1 Slimecraw and 1 Velidreth/ 1 Kena - Weapon damage and critical chance!
1 Kra'gh's and 1 Slimecraw - Very unoticed combination, gives a few things that this patch took from us, critical chance from the thief and penetration form Sharpened trait.