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PvE - Is there kill stealing?

Soul Shriven
I was interested on how the loot and XP mechanics works when multiple people that are not grouped attack a mob. I did some searching online but a combination of poor google skills and results showing posts from 2014 have me asking this question in the hope of getting information based on the current patches.

I bought ESO recently with the intention of mainly playing solo and every once in a while grouping up with my roommates. Everything was good for the first week until last night. I was going after a mob that was the final encounter of my daily quest. I get to the spot and find someone is already attacking it and the mob is down to about 40% health left. I jump in, pop my abilities and it dies about 3 seconds later. I get credit for the kill, some XP and no loot. I don't think twice about it and start going for the exit to turn the quest in. About half way to the exit the fine gentleman that was killing the same mob sends me a message of, "Kill stealing <Edited for Content>! Your mother should have <Done unfortunate things to> you!", or something to that effect (Actual words typed were hard to decipher with all the mistypes, paraphrased for convenience). I replied back with, "Angry Man encounters another player in an MMO, more at 11!", more back and forth for a bit, and then I blocked him.

So my question, did my actions result in inconveniencing that model citizen of Tamriel? If he was going after the same quest did he not get credit? Did I thin out the XP he was getting on his OP farming run? I just want to know how the system works so that if I am in the wrong here I know how to correct it for the future. I know that resource spawn points disappear for other players if you grab them so I try not to snipe them (EX: Someone is killing a mob right next to one), but I don't know exactly how the kill mechanics work in this game.

Also, just to clarify, I'm not asking about the morality of the scenario, purely the mechanics of it. With how he acted to me afterwords I would do the same thing a thousand times to him.

Edit: I just realized, I probably shouldn't put what he actually said in case kids or Mods are reading.
Edited by JoeJJohnsonII_ESO on August 14, 2017 9:27PM

Best Answers

  • SydneyGrey
    In PvE, if there are only two of you, you get equal experience for the kill, and equal loot. If there are more than two people, then the XP is cut by a little bit, but you still get equal loot. At least this is how I understand it. If you were the only other person near this angy dude, he didn't miss out on ANYTHING, XP or otherwise.

    The only time there is actual "kill stealing" is in PvP. If you were in Cyrodiil doing PvP, then yes, there is kill stealing. (In the sense that it might be considered a kill for an achievement, but it depends on the type of achievement.)

    Ya gotta love the people who act like there aren't thousands of trash mobs in the world constantly respawning. Report people who use the message system to abuse you.

    Edited by SydneyGrey on August 16, 2017 5:28PM
    Answer ✓
  • zaria
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    In PvE, if there are only two of you, you get equal experience for the kill, and equal loot. If there are more than two people, then the XP is cut by a little bit, but you still get equal loot. At least this is how I understand it. If you were the only other person near this angy dude, he didn't miss out on ANYTHING, XP or otherwise.

    The only time there is actual "kill stealing" is in PvP. If you were in Cyrodiil doing PvP, then yes, there is kill stealing.

    Ya gotta love the people who act like there aren't thousands of trash mobs in the world constantly respawing. Report people who use the message system to abuse you.
    Its kill stealing in BG, not in cyrodil here assists work. Exception was the PvP event where you had to do
    However in large groups you get far less xp for each kill, so an large group is not an good idea for fast xp.

    If not grouped you get loot and xp if you do 10% damage.
    So if some fights an quest boss, join in. Its also polite to let other coming behind get in a few hit so they don't have to wait.
    Delves is the small dungeons with boss in end, if you run into other players just join in fighting your way this is faster for both.

    Same with most containers you see, exception is resource nodes like ore and flowers also locked chests. Here the first get it.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
    Answer ✓
  • JoeJJohnsonII_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    OK, so overall you should be aware of your actions during PvP but in PvE there is no real harm in jumping in with another player. I'll keep doing what I was doing then and just ignore any haters (although I have not encountered anyone else like that so far).

    Thank you both for your replies and help!
  • SydneyGrey
    zaria wrote: »
    Its kill stealing in BG, not in cyrodil here assists work.
    He specifically said "PvE" in the title, so I assumed he wasn't talking about Battlegrounds. That's another form of PvP.

  • Trashkan
    No such thing as kill stealing everyone in the group and within range gets random loot drops from all mobs and bosses and xp is evenly distributed.
  • zaria
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    zaria wrote: »
    Its kill stealing in BG, not in cyrodil here assists work.
    He specifically said "PvE" in the title, so I assumed he wasn't talking about Battlegrounds. That's another form of PvP.
    Second poster brought up PvP, so I corrected it, If OP goes to cyrodil he should help others.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • davey1107
    Other posters are correct, but to summarize:

    Pve kill credit
    - You or your group must do 10% damage to get credit
    - Ungrouped players will all get full xp. If a boss is worth 1500 xp and five players hit him, they all get 1500 xp and full loot.
    - Grouped players have a group xp mechanic. The more members of a group, the more xp any kill is worth, but it's split more ways.

    Pvp kill credit
    - a human player is worth a set amount of AP. This is shared by everyone who gets a hit before the kill, grouped or ungrouped.
    - Groups have an AP mechanic...don't ask what the exact math is. I think if you have, for example, a group of four and a solo player who all hit an enemy that's worth 2,000 AP, the AP would go 400 to solo player then 1,600 to group, processed through a multiplier, then distributed.
    - If the kill occurs on a "property," meaning keep grounds, resource grounds, or inside the scroll gates, an equal amount of AP to the kill goes into a "battle bucket" that is redistributed evenly after the battle ends. For example, two ungrouped golds are at a resource and a blue comes along. One kills the blue and the other does nothing. The killer gets 2,000 AP for the kill. An additional 2k AP goes into the bucket. 2-4 minutes later, the system distributes the AP to everyone evenly, so if our two are still on grounds they get 1,000 each. If one left, the one remaining gets 2,000. If a Zerg of 50

    General etiquette

    Pve content is all fair game. There are no "dibs." If at a boss, it's nice to consider if there are others around who might want to share in the kill, but bosses respawn quickly.

    In pvp, all allies should assist in kills. Because you can duel elsewhere, people don't generally expect off limit zones any more.

    If someone messages to complain about kill stealing, just message them back and tell them not to worry, there's no such thing.
  • WhoSlappedThePie
    Someone's been playing MOBAs
    "It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."

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