SlayerSyrena wrote: »Nope. I enjoy getting angry whispers.
JamieAubrey wrote: »I never get rage whispers, I'm not good enough to get them
SlayerSyrena wrote: »Nope. I enjoy getting angry whispers.
I even take Screenshots of those and make a collage of them titled: Wall of Salt
JamieAubrey wrote: »I never get rage whispers, I'm not good enough to get them
JamieAubrey wrote: »I never get rage whispers, I'm not good enough to get them
SlayerSyrena wrote: »Nope. I enjoy getting angry whispers.
MarzAttakz wrote: »I do but it isn't to hide from angry whispers, it's simply for personal privacy and avoiding a certain individual who feels my time should be spent with said individual as soon as they log in.
It got so bad that I was kicked from a trade guild for inactivity - I wtf'd then realised a month had passed with my status set to offline the entire time. Now I cycle online/offline when said individual isn't around.
Brings a whole new meaning to playing a MagBlade I tell ya...
No. Communication is too important in PvP, I'd be gimping myself if I did that.
Besides, I've literally had more interesting/nice random tells than salty ones. The occasional drunk or rager is easy to block.
No. Communication is too important in PvP, I'd be gimping myself if I did that.
Besides, I've literally had more interesting/nice random tells than salty ones. The occasional drunk or rager is easy to block.
Not in BGs, communication in BGs generally consists of either one person complaining, or someone calling someone out for being terrible.
Very rarely is chat used for legitimate 'calls', though I will make an effort.
Emma_Overload wrote: »I can't help but notice that players with cancer builds play offline a lot.