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What Makes Classes Fun?

It’s such a seemingly simple question, but the answer has far reaching implications, consequences, and most importantly: opportunities.

With the updates that have been made to ESO over the last year or so, it seems as though ZoS has been trying to increase accessibility by making more abilities and playstyles available for more classes. On the bright side, this encourages set diversity, which is an awesome thing not often seen in MMOs. But the unfortunate side effect is class homogony, the result being that playing the game on different classes feels the same. There are slight alterations, for example a nightblade’s ability to cloak can enhance the roleplay elements of the Thieve’s Guild and Dark Brotherhood Questlines.
Besides that though, there isn’t very much reason to play as different classes unless you have a very particular endgame setup in mind when you start your character. So my question for discussion (and I think something ZoS should consider) is: How do you make the classes feel more fun and special without compromising on the things that make builds flexible?

I need a reason to want to play the same story over on different characters.

I’m interested to hear what other people think about class diversity and balance. Where do you think the line is between having the classes being accessible and flexible and having them all just be the same? What should ZoS do to make each class feel powerful and fun?
Edited by Grimhallow on August 9, 2017 9:57PM
  • Krayl
    what makes classes fun is finding a rhythm that works more than anything, i think.

    I do more DPS on my MagDK but i prefer playing my MagNB because it just "feels" like a better rotation for me, and i know others feel differently.
  • Strider_Roshin
    Well these are the fun factors for me:

    Nightblade: Shadow Image, fast pace, unforgiving
    Sorc: Streak, nuking everything
    Templar: Trolling with Javelin
    Dragonknight: Dragon leaping
    Warden: the dynamic abilities
  • Betsararie
  • Savos_Saren
    Well these are the fun factors for me:

    Nightblade: Shadow Image, fast pace, unforgiving
    Sorc: Streak, nuking everything
    Templar: Trolling with Javelin
    Dragonknight: Dragon leaping
    Warden: the dynamic abilities

    ...for Nightblade: Soul Tether is a sexy ultimate. Everyone takes a bended knee at your command.

    ...for Sorcerer: there's something badass about hitting an enemy with Mage's Wrath and watching Implosion set off as well.

    ...for Templars: Jesus Beam followed by Soul Assault just looks powerful. (and a great way to drain your enemy's resources)

    ...for Dragonnknight: Dragon Leap is the best animation in the game (IMHO) and god, I miss the old Inferno.

    ...for Warden: What a fantastic combination in their "wings"- speed, damage, and regen. The same with beautiful betty!
    Want to enjoy the game more? Try both PvP (crybabies) and PvE (carebears). You'll get a better perspective on everyone's opinion.

    PC NA AD
    Savos Saren
  • GeorgeBlack
    I remember once long time ago seeing a dude dressed in heavy Imperial, charging with a spear of Light and attacking us. He took one guy down. We where 4.
    "Whoa, Temp looks like fun"

    StamNB is the real deal. He appears he kills and dissappears. Fun.

    I play a Dragon Knight. I haven't seen a more fun skill than Dragon Leap, especially back in the old days. Too bad that Zos killed a unique sieging style rather than find a way to control the ill nature of us humans, which caused faul play.
    All the animations of the dragonknight skills are powerful and beautiful. Too bad for animation cancelling. Gj on your combat design Zos...

    Warden seems like such a poor job. I don't get the concept. Warden.. bears... blue animals... heals... what?

    Sorc? No thank you.
  • TeIvanni
    Honestly I just want something with an easy rotation.
    I don't find it fun playing something with an excessive rotation.
    The Greatest of the Great Houses

    Late Night ERP GM
    Nightfighters - Officer/Raid Lead
    [Immortal Redeemer]
    [Tick-Tock Tormentor]

  • Tasear
    Dragon knights makes feel like a boss when don't die

    Sorrecer feels chaotic and tatatical

    Nightblade was suppose to be my first of now trying to understand.

    Templar fun to stab things, but generally bores me.

    Warden just watching a forest grow puts me at peace. As such definitely got best animations.
  • Shushu_H
    The archetype for most I would assume makes it fun.

    Dragon Knight in most games fire tank.
    Nightblade in most games stealthy assassin.
    Sorcerer ranged burst mage.
    Templar paladin or healer.
    Warden druid summoner.
    Ya know.?
  • randomkeyhits
    Its all completely subjective, whatever works for you.

    The only way you'll know is to run the class for a while and try out different things.

    I like stealthy ninja stuff, at times I also like tanking and feeling invincible so NB and DK as they stand are fine. My sorc just feels meh, power spam and stroll through stuff, still have the templar queued to play.

    So when doing PvE I'm tearing down the sorc skills and trying out as many things as possible to see what clicks for me. When I find what works, thats me sorted but it wouldn't help you at all.

    So I guess the answer to "How do you make the classes feel more fun and special without compromising on the things that make builds flexible?" is that you just go out there and discover it.
    EU PS4
  • Septimus_Magna
    It depends on what playstyle you find enjoying.

    My personal favorite for pvp is magicka NB because of Cloak and Shadow Image for obvious reasons.

    For pve I like magicka sorc the most because you can solo most content without problems.
    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
    Septimus Rulanir - Orsimer Templar
    Septimus Desmoru - Khajiit Necromancer
    Septimus Iroh - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Septimus Thragar - Dunmer Nightblade
    Septimus Jah'zar - Khajiit Nightblade
    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • timborggrenlarsenb16_ESO
    Classes are a lazy form of game design and offer no freedom - In other words they are NOT fun!!!
    - Be Anyone.
    - Do Anything.
    - Go Anywhere.
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