Just a few days ago, I went to craft common counter, merchant and I noticed that it wasn't listed on the list of blueprints I had learned. I went on a trader to make sure I had learned it and it said that I had learned the recipe. Last night, I learned two more recipes: breton shelf, barrel rack and lantern, dim but they too did not show up at my crafting stations; I could find neither of these two recipes on a trader, so I was unable to get a screenshot that I learned them. I did take a screenshot of the lantern recipe before I learned it though. I did delete ESO's save data as instructed by the support members that have been helping me with this issue, but it did not restore my recipes that I "lost." I'm afraid that there are other recipes that I learned that aren't showing up at my crafting station, but I don't know that I'm missing since I have not been checking every time I learn a recipe to see if they're at my station; thus, now I'm afraid to learn any more recipes until this is fixed.
Here are screenshots of the my crafting station missing the recipe and the recipes that I did remember to take a screenshot of at the trader or before learning it:

I hope this can be resolved since the housing, furniture and collecting of recipes is what I enjoy the most about the game.