So, last night my computer decided to update Windows 10 to version 1703, OS build 15063.502. First I had a problem where there was no sound and no mic detected. I fixed that one. Then I bring up ESO to play and everything seems fine. Until I press the "Windows" key to make a change in Discord. When I get back in the game, things have changed. The colors appear darker all around, detail also appears to have slightly decreased, and my FPS appears to have decreased. When I look at the fps meter within the game it is showing me at the usual 50-100, but what is on screen does not reflect what the meter is displaying. I tried to reinstall my graphics drivers, tried to reinstall my graphics card... nothing appears to be working and bringing things back to the way they were yesterday. I am not sure what could be causing this, though. I could only imagine that it has to do with the Windows 10 update considering it has been the same since I installed the new graphics card around 6 weeks ago.
I'm out of ideas so hopefully someone has some new ones.
Not sure if it matters but here are my PC specs:
Processor: Intel Core i7-6700
GPU: MSI Gaming X GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
RAM: 32 GB
Thanks all.