Maintenance for the week of July 8:
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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Oh VMA, my dear and lovely Virtual MAdness!

Here's a little story/novel. :)

vMA, some call it Veteran Maelstrom Arena, i call it Virtual MAdness! Oh what can i say, the place that got me swear the most ever recorded in the Guiness Record Book in all games i'Ve been playing since Atari 2600, the place i had so much frustrations ever in a solo environment in all MMOs i've been playing in the last decades, the top 1 place i've ever felt like buying a new mouse every time i went there to learn the process buy almost having the urge to through it over the wall..... The first place i went in that actualy made me swear at some developpers... The first place ever i went jumping on my chair and start dancing around while been sucessful, i haven'T even done this on Highschool last day. :P

This post as a simple goal, to give a major thumbs up to all passed, present, future hadcore runner, those who have made hundrres, thousands of runs trying to get the proper pefect holy grail of weapons... Thumbs up guys... since i made my first sucess there about a week and a half, i'm about to clear my 46th times, and, already, i'm starting to find this absurd.. the good thing is, i love runing that place for now, even a bit addicted.... But yeah, i'm way far from a flawless, i even doupt i'll ever succeed, most of the time i run in in multiple session, exept at least one sitting on all the 4 toons i was able to clear it trying to make the scoredboards, but still, the best run i'Ve made was a poor 1h15 with 8/15 lives left, pretty bad.... But still, i find this an accomplisment to clear it on 3 different classes.... But, what makes me feel weird about this place is...

Having the feeling ZoS and their awesome team, is mocking us, making fun of us... giving us the hardest solo content i've ever dealt in MMOS, trying to get the perfect wepaon, or at first just beating the crap out of that place, the place that took the most practice to beat, the swear, the laughs (humm did i ever? :) the tears and the slaps on the desk..... All rhis to get a low percentage of getting what you want, the best part is, how stupid i am, knowing it's really low and i keep trying lol.. all my toons are magicka, i'm a caster kinda dude... so guess what, with all the good RNG actions/conditions/triggers/flags, call it like you want, duno how it's called in this game's backgroudn design, but, giving me the best chances of getting superb trait melee/stamina weapons, yep, in 45 runs, i do have 2x sharpened 2h maul, 2x shaprened long sword, 1x sharpened 1x maul and 1x sharpened axe and not to mention, the role i hated most, archers, so i git a cute little sharpened axe... someone is making fun of me somewhere and i'm not talking about the clown at my local restaurant. :pensive: Oh and i forgot, al this pain being put in a paying DLC, not only they keep us in game by giving us low chances of getting it, it's a zone you need to pay to suffer... brilliant marketing :)

I just can imagine the frustration from those guys back then, when it was even harder to clear, with low cps and stuff and having a hard time getting a even weapon drop before it was 100% weapon drops.. ok when they did, they had 3 traits, but even though.... you guys amaze me once more....

The good thing is... 2 RL friend of mine and i were planning of running vDSA trying to get our healers the staves.... but a few of our good online ingame friends quit the game for a while, so now we are missing good players to try it, but, thanks for vMA with their awesome Resto staves drop %, i got myself 2-3 Energised reso staves, 1x infused, 1x nirn, 1x precise, so at least i'Ve got staved for my healers, that's the good side of it. :pensive:

But again, thumbs up also to you guys succeding flawless... one day, if i stop getting killed by clumsyness, like forgettign to eat, rushing to get the yellow ghosts on stage 9 and runing throughwhite ghosts as DK stuns me while i'm getting aoe fire from others, or if i stop being on the wrong bar when i need to heal or do something to avoid death, or simply never realised i'Ve been cought in a plant explosion on stage 7 and never be able to clear up to the decurse pound... well maybe then, i'll get better than 8/15 lives left. :)

The day i get my precise or sharpened lightning staff or maybe an inferno i'd be happy, besides infused and nirn (we'll see how they do when Horn of the reach comes out though) and all this before i leave the game, which i almost made a week ago because buggs got me frustrated.. well, it'll be beer for everyone on this forums... aven the developpers.. who knows, maybe trying to get them drunk will allow us to subconsiously force them to avoid stupid thing in the game :pensive:

But with all this pain etc.. i'm still proud to have cleared it 45 times, need to clear stage 9 now and it'll my 46th, so maybe what, 9-10 minutes of all goes well... i'm trying to clear it at least once per day, sometimes or mostly i do it 2 or 3 times, but again all depends on how i feel... most of the time it's multi-sessions taking breaks once in a while while doing stuff around, working etc...

To those who never succeed, don't give up, if i could cleared it and can as a a little bit more than casual/average player, you guys can.... but careful, once youc leared it once, and realise you can, each time after becomes easier, and, most of all, becomes addictive.... :)

Take care all and have fun in that crazy sucker arena. :)

EDIT: Sorry for the massive typos etc... and lenght of text. :P
EDIT-EDIT: There we go, 46th time done, another resto staff, nirn, i can now go buy 8 new toon slots on crown market and create 8 new healers with all the staves i have, added to my already 2 healers. :P
Edited by Insandros on August 5, 2017 6:04PM
  • Lord_Eomer
    Well after 300 + runa no light destro sharpen. Aftet next patch changea, i quit VMA wil be using precise instead :-) although higher critical Will be easier to obtain.
    Edited by Lord_Eomer on August 5, 2017 6:09PM
  • Insandros
    Well after 300 + runa no light destro sharpen. Aftet next patch changea, i quit VMA wil be using precise instead :-) although higher critical Will be easier to obtain.

    Knowing ZoS way of thinking man, i bet you, last patch we had, they arelady changed the RNG % on precise drops, so people anticipating it, trying to get it, already have trouble with them :pensive: I have so many Nirn... people say it's gonna be in PvP next patch... to bad i don't pvp much :( We'll see, maybe my infused lightning will be good next patch, who knows, i might ever get a precise or sharpened until next patch... i dream :) My RNG lucks simply stick to gettiing the 7 fragments of the robe and dwemer pet in Vvardenfell lol

    EDIT: Who knows man, i might be able to kick ass with my defensif inferno :pensive:
    Edited by Insandros on August 5, 2017 6:16PM
  • Vrienda
    I'd be happy to complete it once. But it's way beyond my skill/patience level.
    Edited by Vrienda on August 5, 2017 6:13PM
    Desperate for Roleplaying servers to bring open world non-organised RP to Elder Scrolls Online. Please ZOS.
  • Insandros
    Vrienda wrote: »
    I'd be happy to complete it once. But it's way beyond my skill/patience level.

    That'S what i'Ve thought, but ended up able to clear it... but i gave tried after a few months lefting it behind, i was stucked at stage 5... now stage 5, is the one i'm having fun with, if i don'T get stupid, i clear it in one shot or one death... but i did learn stuff from Alcast guide... and i went to learn on a toon i love and get used to, then when knowing the stuff a bit more, was able to clear it on 3 other toons, but i got to admit, i'm stupid, everyone say the easiest toon to cplet is the sorc, well, since i'm dumb lol my sorc is the one i'm having the most issue to clear it with.
  • Krayzie
    i got sharp lightning/fire/2h sword/bow in 3 days grind of vMA. not to mention all the precise/nirn/infused weapons
    I'm a PVE roleplayer concerned about my vampires stage 4 skin tone and keep getting load screens so I came here to distract people from major issues with a rant thread about my characters cosmetic appearance.
  • Insandros
    Krayzie wrote: »
    i got sharp lightning/fire/2h sword/bow in 3 days grind of vMA. not to mention all the precise/nirn/infused weapons


    Go get yourself a lottery ticket :)

    Is your toon you got them from stam or magika?
  • Krayzie
    Insandros wrote: »
    Krayzie wrote: »
    i got sharp lightning/fire/2h sword/bow in 3 days grind of vMA. not to mention all the precise/nirn/infused weapons


    Go get yourself a lottery ticket :)

    Is your toon you got them from stam or magika?

    Magsorc, I just want the battle axe =[
    I'm a PVE roleplayer concerned about my vampires stage 4 skin tone and keep getting load screens so I came here to distract people from major issues with a rant thread about my characters cosmetic appearance.
  • Insandros
    Krayzie wrote: »
    Insandros wrote: »
    Krayzie wrote: »
    i got sharp lightning/fire/2h sword/bow in 3 days grind of vMA. not to mention all the precise/nirn/infused weapons


    Go get yourself a lottery ticket :)

    Is your toon you got them from stam or magika?

    Magsorc, I just want the battle axe =[

    :( Got 2 precise, 1 infused and 1 sharpened of those :( and ill never use them
  • Krayzie
    Insandros wrote: »
    Krayzie wrote: »
    Insandros wrote: »
    Krayzie wrote: »
    i got sharp lightning/fire/2h sword/bow in 3 days grind of vMA. not to mention all the precise/nirn/infused weapons


    Go get yourself a lottery ticket :)

    Is your toon you got them from stam or magika?

    Magsorc, I just want the battle axe =[

    :( Got 2 precise, 1 infused and 1 sharpened of those :( and ill never use them

    I'll prolly never use sharp bow at all, and the lightning staff is basically just for vma as I pvp lul
    I'm a PVE roleplayer concerned about my vampires stage 4 skin tone and keep getting load screens so I came here to distract people from major issues with a rant thread about my characters cosmetic appearance.
  • Insandros
    Krayzie wrote: »
    Insandros wrote: »
    Krayzie wrote: »
    Insandros wrote: »
    Krayzie wrote: »
    i got sharp lightning/fire/2h sword/bow in 3 days grind of vMA. not to mention all the precise/nirn/infused weapons


    Go get yourself a lottery ticket :)

    Is your toon you got them from stam or magika?

    Magsorc, I just want the battle axe =[

    :( Got 2 precise, 1 infused and 1 sharpened of those :( and ill never use them

    I'll prolly never use sharp bow at all, and the lightning staff is basically just for vma as I pvp lul

    if only we could trade, you'd be my man lol
  • hitman2nine
    Krayzie wrote: »
    i got sharp lightning/fire/2h sword/bow in 3 days grind of vMA. not to mention all the precise/nirn/infused weapons

    Talk about the luck of a gawd!!!! Sheesh here I am sitting on my 6th restoration staff of the week!!!!!
  • Neophyte
    Vma is taking up too much of my time now. I want to pvp but I have to keep doing this single player content trying to get 1 or 2 weapons. Token system is needed badly. What are they trying to prove by making u do it over and over.
  • Insandros
    Vma is taking up too much of my time now. I want to pvp but I have to keep doing this single player content trying to get 1 or 2 weapons. Token system is needed badly. What are they trying to prove by making u do it over and over.

    simple, to keep us in the game, lack of content, so the best way is, make thigns hard to get, and as i said, a bit marketing i presume, best weapon people want, int he toughest part to succeed in a paying DLC, the longer it takes to get it, the longer you stay and the longer you pay if you didn't bought Orsinium... my own opinion.
  • Zvorgin
    I've run vDSA 6 time and our group has gotten 2 powered resto staves. VDSA is a ton of fun and we are on the PS4 NA leaderboard, still working on VMA clear. I find it a miserable all around experience.
  • Insandros
    Zvorgin wrote: »
    I've run vDSA 6 time and our group has gotten 2 powered resto staves. VDSA is a ton of fun and we are on the PS4 NA leaderboard, still working on VMA clear. I find it a miserable all around experience.

    Wish i had people to try it out, always less frustrated when you have 3 other buddy you can share drops with :) DSA is mostly the only content so far i haven'T tried in ESO. :(
  • Zvorgin
    Insandros wrote: »
    Zvorgin wrote: »
    I've run vDSA 6 time and our group has gotten 2 powered resto staves. VDSA is a ton of fun and we are on the PS4 NA leaderboard, still working on VMA clear. I find it a miserable all around experience.

    Wish i had people to try it out, always less frustrated when you have 3 other buddy you can share drops with :) DSA is mostly the only content so far i haven'T tried in ESO. :(

    Are you PS4 NA?
  • Insandros
    Zvorgin wrote: »
    Insandros wrote: »
    Zvorgin wrote: »
    I've run vDSA 6 time and our group has gotten 2 powered resto staves. VDSA is a ton of fun and we are on the PS4 NA leaderboard, still working on VMA clear. I find it a miserable all around experience.

    Wish i had people to try it out, always less frustrated when you have 3 other buddy you can share drops with :) DSA is mostly the only content so far i haven'T tried in ESO. :(

    Are you PS4 NA?
    nope :( pc
  • Insandros
    Yah it's Resto staves week-end in vMA, 3 in a row. TY ZoS, i now need 10 healers to use them all.
  • hitman2nine
    Insandros wrote: »
    Yah it's Resto staves week-end in vMA, 3 in a row. TY ZoS, i now need 10 healers to use them all.

    Glad to know that I am not the only one that is getting that good ole resto love!!!!
  • SoLooney
    lol, of course zos gives me sharp destro vma staves then nerfs sharpened, cant enjoy my staves for more than a few months
  • Insandros
    SoLooney wrote: »
    lol, of course zos gives me sharp destro vma staves then nerfs sharpened, cant enjoy my staves for more than a few months

    it will still be good, not just as much, if you don't do trials much in a well organised guild etc... i think it will still be better a bit cuz you get still a few pen, but the difference will be a lot less i think... i wouldn't mind getting a sharpened even though it gets nerf. :) but i can't see precise nor sharpened drops on destro yet.. well, i'm lieing, i jsut got a sharpened ice staff earlier, yah! :) The good thing is, i did my best run on that, 1h00 exactly, went down from 1h14 best before and 12/15 lives left, versus 8/15.. i was 3 deaths close to get flawless.. argh lol

    i haven't seen a shock staff since a week a so :( i've gotten 3 shock in the first few days i started runing vMA, but that's it, and 2/3 where charged, at least the third was infused, might get better after patch, cuz for now, the diff between my vMA infused and a random sharpened shock is not that much, so droping sharpened half, might get close to it...
    Edited by Insandros on August 6, 2017 8:14PM
  • Insandros
    Insandros wrote: »
    Yah it's Resto staves week-end in vMA, 3 in a row. TY ZoS, i now need 10 healers to use them all.

    Glad to know that I am not the only one that is getting that good ole resto love!!!!

    After getting about 4 resto staff in a row, right after those 4 resto i just got 4-5 ice staff in a row.. if i'm lucky, next one will be 4 lightning staff in a row.... nah i'm dreaming :)
  • hitman2nine
    Insandros wrote: »
    Insandros wrote: »
    Yah it's Resto staves week-end in vMA, 3 in a row. TY ZoS, i now need 10 healers to use them all.

    Glad to know that I am not the only one that is getting that good ole resto love!!!!

    After getting about 4 resto staff in a row, right after those 4 resto i just got 4-5 ice staff in a row.. if i'm lucky, next one will be 4 lightning staff in a row.... nah i'm dreaming :)

    My next two runs I got a nirn greatsword & S&B in trash traits. Lol
  • Insandros
    Insandros wrote: »
    Insandros wrote: »
    Yah it's Resto staves week-end in vMA, 3 in a row. TY ZoS, i now need 10 healers to use them all.

    Glad to know that I am not the only one that is getting that good ole resto love!!!!

    After getting about 4 resto staff in a row, right after those 4 resto i just got 4-5 ice staff in a row.. if i'm lucky, next one will be 4 lightning staff in a row.... nah i'm dreaming :)

    My next two runs I got a nirn greatsword & S&B in trash traits. Lol

    well guess what, another resto staff on my side, so the last 10 chest in a row gave me 4x resto, 5x ice staff, then 1x resto staff... gotta say i'm really stupid to try this out later tonight with those last 10 runs being ***... but you know what frustrates and make me angry most? Zos knowing all this, reading us, and laughing at us still trying to get good stuff in there... it's just the feeling of being mocked at that make sme angry... we are liek kids that their mom says to them « don't put on your hands on the working hot stove plate » but we do it.. the nest time, we know we'd get burned, well we do it again :) i'm just frustrate they gave better % chances on items people don't use... why wouod someone have 10x ice staf, i don't think they have 10 tanks, why 10 healing staff, same, 1-2 healer only.. but dps items.. most people out of 8 toons might have 6 toons which are dps... i can't imagine someone trying to get vMA dps weapons on all their toons, specialy destro staffs :)
    Edited by Insandros on August 8, 2017 7:26PM
  • Insandros
    Well 59th run was a lucky one was hoping for a sharpened or precise lightning staff, and got a precise one... and almost had my first flawless.... i died once, at stage 5 last fight... i wasn't paying attention enugh to the boss progress and never noticed he was 75%, and wasn't able to clear the island fast enough.... dumb me :(
    Edited by Insandros on August 9, 2017 2:48AM
  • hitman2nine
    Yeah 4 more runs today. 2 SNB, 1 powered axe, 1 nirn greatsword. 2 of the runs were leaderboard runs so hopefully I'll get something decent from those 2 come Sunday.Sunday. Lol
  • Insandros
    Yeah 4 more runs today. 2 SNB, 1 powered axe, 1 nirn greatsword. 2 of the runs were leaderboard runs so hopefully I'll get something decent from those 2 come Sunday.Sunday. Lol

    i'll pray for you :) i got crap this sunday from both leaderboard :(

    EDIT: My 4 runs today were, 3x resto staff (different traits) and 1x precise lightning (finaly)
    Edited by Insandros on August 9, 2017 4:02AM
  • Smmokkee
    Yeah 4 more runs today. 2 SNB, 1 powered axe, 1 nirn greatsword. 2 of the runs were leaderboard runs so hopefully I'll get something decent from those 2 come Sunday.Sunday. Lol

    Nirn greatsword is a nice drop.
  • WeyounTM
    I went in VMA last week with my main khajiit-magplar. I really dont know why, because I am a bad player handicapped by a lot of things (can only play Khajiit, can't weave for ***, still using arrow-keys for movement so no WASD, approaching age 47, suffering from real OCD etc. etc.).
    Well after lots of trys I managed to reach stage 6 and got stuck there with my Magplar. After 2 days I switched to my Khajiit-Mag-Sorc which I barely played after getting her to Level 50. And I then managed to get her without lots of skills into passives to the final stage and the final boss.
    But that is/was it for now. I usually take a bit to get to the boss and get exausted then. I manage to get him to 70% about half the time i try and then in the stage above it all falls apart for me. I kinda know about what to do then. But burning the pillars and being watchful not to get blown downstairs is way beyond my current skillset.

    For this one, VMA feels like a total different game. It is hardcore-mode-on-crack mixed with being stuck in an iron maiden while doing it.
    I cannot imagine doing that for simply isnt for this one. But I just want to get it done *once* to get it out of my OCD brain.
    Magicka-Khajiit-Player since Beta

    PC-EU Vivec Sotha Sil Campaign
    Heals-your-Paws Khajiit Magplar - Main Char - AD (sadly)

    Little-Miss-Hurricane - Khajiit -Stamsorc - DC
    Saves-your-Paws - Khajiit MagDK - DC
    Lucký-Paws - Khajiit StamDK - DC
    Icy-Paws - Khajiit Magden - DC
    White-Paws - Khajiit Stamblade - DC
    Paws-of-the-Light - Khajiit Stamplar - DC
    Adusa D'aro - Khajiit Stamplar - DC
    Purrs-at-the-Moons - Khajiit Stamcro - DC
    Necrotic-Paws - Khajiit Magcro - DC
    White-Claws - Khajiit StamDK - AD
    Sticky-Paws - Khajiit Stamplar - AD
    Silent-Paws - Khajiit Magblade - AD

    Hides-the-Skooma - Khajiit Stamden - EP
    Protector-of-the-Mane - Khajiit Magplar -EP
    Leaps-your-Paws - Khajiit MagDK - EP
  • Avnr
    Who sayed that after you beat VMA the next runs easy? well there not:)
    RNG kick in hard , drop RNG and boss RNG
    Completed 3 full runs - battle axe , resto , resto

    the ice stage easy for me now , from stage 7 ,9... well it's all RNG

    Stage 7
    ...the boss decide to stand next to the umbrela npc:)
    ...those posion spinklers random spawn
    Stage 9
    full of rng , after i drop down from the upper circle i am so mad that i only focus nuke the boss ignoring all:)

    Waiting for the sharp destro , maybe the runs goin to be more easy:)
    BUT - from update to update vma is harder and harder

    For non super gear owners like me(no VO or MD sets) the magicka reduction hit us hard
    So i forced to play heavy attack sorc pet build , very boring

    All my other classes( i have all stamina and magicka) kill very fast but no sustain
    No trial gear , no way(exept sorc)
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