Returning player thoughts.

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Hey, so, returning player here. Just my experience coming back. Yea, so I pre ordered at launch (imp addition) played with my guild for seven months back then.

Mostly on PS4 these days so decided to give ESO another chance. Got Morrowind collectors edition and subbed.

To be honest I'm disappointed. Morrowind and the warden are cool. VVardenfell kinda looks like the rest of the game. Can't really tell if I'm in a new area though unless I teleport. No real graphic update or new skins here. But I can live with that I'm enjoying the game mostly.

I guess my big issue is the crafting bag is pretty much the only reason to sub. The crown store is horribly rigged to force additional purchases. Mounts are priced just outside the 1500 you get with sub attempting to force an impulse buy. In fact almost everything useful is 10 bux!! Seriously?

So anyway this led to me try dwarven crates and it was junk, opened 5, just ugly costumes. It's on me, I know.

To any other returning player I highly suggest you find a used copy of Tamriel for 10 bucks and play for a good month before buying Morrowind and subbing.

Battlegrounds won't cue, junk mount and fairly bland content in Morrowind. Don't be like me and waste money. I'm enjoying the game but crowns and the crown store kinda soul sucked me and I probably won't resub or hang around long.
  • Jade
    Also, and I know it's old news but I lost my PC account since they don't transfer to PS4 and also lost the crowns on that account as well. So, returning players, know what you're getting in to.
    Edited by Jade on August 4, 2017 2:26PM
  • gard
    How did you lose your PC account? Kind of a misleading statement don't you think?
    Play on PC and everything should be there.
    My wife complains that I never listen to her. (Or something like that.)
    -- I'm a one man smurf zerg!

    My ESO addons:
    Midnight - Find out when midnight is so that you can check for ww/vamp spawn.
    Goto - Adds a tab to the map pane allowing you to teleport to a friend, guildmate, or groupmate for free.
  • Jade
    Well, I wasn't attempting to mislead. So I will clarify. I no longer game on PC. I joined my PC and PS4 accounts, and found out afterward there was some window I missed to transfer PC characters to PS4.

    Overall, as a returning player, the experience was sub-par. In my opinion.

    1. No crowns or Imperial unlocks from my PC account. Yes, I gotta buy IMP again. Just silly.

    2. Lost all my high level characters ( I can accept this, it's just more of a bummer to the overall experience)

    3. Shelled out for Morrowind Collectors edition + sub to start from scratch in an expansion that is nearly indistinguishable from the base game.

    4. Not a ton of players but still tired tropes and demands for cookie cutter builds.

    5. Crown store way over priced imo. Every item is priced to push you to buy a higher crown bundle. Nothing seems fair or reasonable to an average player. 99% of items are a $10 purchase. If I sub, I need more crowns or my choice of mounts or something, I dunno, but the shop is pretty terrible. I'm paying for Internet, PS4 Plus and an ESO sub and I have purchased Morrowind. It's insulting to get 1500 crowns and so few options to use them. Dwarven crates are absolute garbage.

    6. Battlegrounds don't cue, don't know why, doesn't much matter.

    TLDR: Played on PC at launch, returned on PS4, paid much $$, got little game
  • Ermiq
    Well, must be said, I think that all of those Crown Store/Crates complaints are kind of weird. I mean, people whining about Store, people say it's too expensive, then they say it's a garbage, it's not usefull, after that they say: "I need more crowns from my sub", and then: "There're just few options to spend crowns"...
    Come on guys, what do you want exactly?
    Do you want more usefull stuff in the Store for the game becoming P2W?
    Don't you want mounts, costumes and other beauty and style stuff?
    Are those mounts must-have? And should they be gifted just because you've got a sub?
    Why ZOS shouldn't make money this way?
    Unless CS goods affect the gameplay it's all right, if you ask me. If I want that precious Dwemer horse (I don't like them though), I could purchase an additional crowns pack and pray the RNGod. If I don't have free money at the moment, well, ok, it's not must-have, I can live without that horse.
    One of the two of us definitely has gone mad. It only remains to define whether this one is the whole world or just me.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    Sick&tired of being kicked off from your house when you complete a dungeon? ComingBackHome addon is what you need!
    Me is russian little bad in english :b
  • Ozstryker
    Expectation vs. Reality?
    Why didn't you just go back to pc??
  • Capriano
    Actually, so what the crown store everything good is above 1500 crowns ?

    I bought Imperial and Morrowind collectors and 3 months sub, I have 10500 crowns and still saving them. No reason to spend them if something doesn't *CLICK* for you.

    In all honesty I am saving them up to buy furnished mansions. That *** is whickedly cooooooool and worth every crown.
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