Hi. I'm working on my heavy armor magicka DK and i have some questions and i want to hear your ideas about things related to sustain.
I have 630cp using 5 piece black rose + 5 piece desert rose + 2 pieces grothdarr. 1 cost reduction glyph. I can only get magicka from my battle roar and potions becayse i am using 1h/s build so heavy attacks dont give mr magicka. Do you havr any suggestions about how to sustain magicka in this build? I mean I am wearing 2 sustain sets and 1 reduction glyph already. if i go full sustain on my glyphs and mundus i end up getting around 1.300 spell damage.
Do you think constitution should be buffed slightly or black rose maybe? Because if I am not mistaken with 7 pieces heavy with black rose you are grtting around 75 magicka/stamina per second extra. does that really worth whilr other sets giving you 300 mag/stamina recovery or %8 cost reduction. 75 mag/stamina per secomd really worths it? it looks like a jokr and black rose is not that easy set to get like seducer.
Btw whereas stamina characters having muuuch better time sustaining their resources i have lvl capped few stamina characters too.
Any ideas and suggestions please? Thanks.
MarzAttakz wrote: »I think the bigger question is why do we not have 1h/whatever magicka based weapon skill lines?
If that's a serious issue then why not make all weapons return both stamina+magicka on heavy attacks to equal the playing field, adjust the weapon skill line resource return passives to be inline with each other.
I'm sorry I can't comment on your specific question but have run into similar issue running DW + 1H/S on my MagPlar (granted we do have some class skills to make it easier than using only potions + Battle Roar).
Having a staff on a magicka melee class feels clunky with the animations. Weaving just feels off; and the extra time to charge a heavy is kind of dumb in melee range.
If it's a matter of not wanting a 2 piece magic set, just make a 2 handed magicka melee weapon that loses the range but returns magicka and has pasives that fit.
AverageJo3Gam3r wrote: »You can also run witchmothers and use the atronach stone
AverageJo3Gam3r wrote: »You can also run witchmothers and use the atronach stone
i have to sacrifice 4k stamina + 170 spell damage for that. what do you think about black rose being useless with the given numbers?
AverageJo3Gam3r wrote: »You can also run witchmothers and use the atronach stone
i have to sacrifice 4k stamina + 170 spell damage for that. what do you think about black rose being useless with the given numbers?
What about Shackle breaker + tristat enchants on large pieces?
Well thanks for the advices but i want to talk about something.
With black rose, constitituon increases from 108 to 145 if i remember correctly. so even if i give up my 5.1.1 and go full heavy i get extra 259 magicka/stamina if i get hit in perfect conditions every 4 second. that equals 129 magicka and stamima recovery im perfect conditions with 7 heavy. But there are other sets give you 300 stamina/magicka recovery or %8 magicka reduction or %5 magicka + stamina reduction.
Isnt black rose is way tooooooo week for a set that can be bought with telvar, not a zone set nor craftable. These numbers for if i go 7 pieces heavy. if i go 5 h 1m 1l i will get less benefit. it will be 92.5 recovery.
I mean i love the idea behind this set but mathematically its so weak that i think any set in game will perform better...
And yea i played Heavy armor stamina build too. Sustaining stamina is very easy compered to magicka.
AverageJo3Gam3r wrote: »You can also run witchmothers and use the atronach stone
i have to sacrifice 4k stamina + 170 spell damage for that. what do you think about black rose being useless with the given numbers?
What about Shackle breaker + tristat enchants on large pieces?
that would be okay but i really like black rose. the idea of the set. but when i do the math any set would perform better compared to black rose. im wearing 5 blavkrose 5 desert rose 2 grothdarr all heavy all yellow even the jewelries and i cant sustain my magicka fighting againsts 2-3 enemies even if i use my magicka wisely. at this point i think there is a problem not related to me but class or sets.
i have heavy stamina characters which is not sustain build but sustains much better compared to magicka. i would love to see someone played both heavy magicka and stamina at cp630 and saying magicka sustain is better. in my experience they are not even comperable.
Bloodspawn is probably the best regen tool for DKs because battle roar.