Master Gatherer bug

Soul Shriven
Hi, I tried looking this over the forums before posting. I have noticed last night when I got the master gatherer perk, as it say, it does reduce gathering time by half, but whenever you harvest ore or wooden nodes, the controller register the two impacts of the original gathering speed.

And frankly it is a bit disrupting having such vibration when there is no according action. Not sure if it's just me or others but I hope there is a workaround for this.

  • myrep
    Update please. The bug still exists. Controller will vibrate for the second hit(that doesn't happen) when harvesting.
  • QuebraRegra
    seems still bugged yes?
  • Shadowshire
    lord_comic wrote: »
    Hi, I tried looking this over the forums before posting. I have noticed last night when I got the master gatherer perk, as it say, it does reduce gathering time by half, but whenever you harvest ore or wooden nodes, the controller register the two impacts of the original gathering speed.

    And frankly it is a bit disrupting having such vibration when there is no according action. Not sure if it's just me or others but I hope there is a workaround for this.

    Since you're using a "controller" I suppose that you are probably not playing on a PC/Mac. However, when you post a Bug Report, please include the platform and megaserver with which you are playing TESO. In your case, there are two possibilities as to platform, so which one is it?

    By the way, if "Master Gatherer" is the Champion Point feature that reduces gathering times: then that feature stopped working on PC/Mac for gathering Herbs and Runestones, respectively, after the most recent update during which the ZOS developers revised the Champion Point system (they introduced Master-at-Arms, among other changes). They still haven't fixed it, or maybe it is not a bug, it's a feature. :neutral:

    Edited by Shadowshire on February 24, 2018 12:16AM
    --- Shadowshire .......... ESO Plus on PC NA with Windows 7 Pro SP1

    nil carborundum illegitimi
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