I just have 1 question to ask. The 2 piece of Mighty Chudan gives you the Major Ward and Resolve, and it also gives you 1064 max health currently. Will the health part of the 2 piece be buffed like all the others with the Horns of the Reach update?
Joshua Doom- Imperial Templar
Mr Altmer- High elf sorcerer
Silent Destroyer- Khajiit nightblade
Heals-with-scales- Argonian Templar
Cat Sorc-- Khajiit sorcerer
The poison expert- Imperial Dragonknight
Templar Destroyer- High Elf Templar
Nooby Warden- High Elf Warden
Poisonous Noob- Redguard Dragonknight
Death-by-Magicka- Dark Elf Nightblade
Sinisterblade- Redguard Warden