Because of i find ESO pvp is a bit monotonous and primitive, i gave birth to an idea: add rly hard to capture castles in Cyrodiil, with strong NPC defenders, which even require involvement of PVE players. Theese castles would be a property of Alliance's guildies, but able to capture by any another Alliance's guild by siege, OR even by guild of the same Alliance by overbidding way(like guild store's spots). Theese castles should give to owners some kind of benefits, idk what exactly. Also, it should be upgradable by owners(more and stronger NPC defenders for example ; more benefits per time unit for owners). Any upgrade would cost money(high risk/high reward system).
This is what i want to see in ESO PVP. For now it's fun, but i feel inanity of endless builduings transfering from hand to hand without any reasons. Also, it will add some sense to guilds in ESO, cus now all guilds just a chat in leftdown corner of display(except trading guilds, which for trading)