I can't stand Roots in this game. They make the combat feel stiff and not reactionary at all. I enjoy PvP and, in my opinion, I can play rather well in 1 v 1's as well as 1 v X's. (Not that I'm some pro, but I can 1 v X competently in a few situations)
Whenever I am in either an equal 1 v 1 or a more outnumbered 1 v 2 - 3. I can do ok,
except when there is a MagDK in the group spamming Talons. I am 100% fine with being stuck in place, as I can probably hit anyone close to me anyway. What I am not fine with is the fact that roots stop your character from being able to turn around. This pretty much means you cannot attack while rooted as the enemy just stands directly behind you and using Abilities does not automatically change your characters direction. Yes you can technically turn around by bashing etc but none of this really works in practice as they will keep circling you and you will keep bashing to try and turn around and nothing will really happen.
There is always dodge rolling out of the roots, however 3 seconds later once immunity has worn off you'll be rooted again and have to dodge roll again and if you're a Stam Character, you need your Stamina for combat, and if you're a Mag Character you can't really sustain that. Roots should be used as Roots, not as a way to give someone a Huge upper hand in combat by stopping the possibility of them being attacked.
Having Roots act this way makes combat so mind bogglingly frustrating as you can't actually fight back during the period of being rooted. Normally Eso combat is fast paced and reactionary based. This takes away
all of that and makes it feel ridiculously 'clunky'. One of my problems with this is why it's actually a thing in the first place? I don't personally see any reason that Roots should have this extra function, they are made and used as Roots, why make them a sudo stun as well?
I'm sure some people will just tell me to 'l2p' or whatever but that doesn't change my point that the way Roots currently function in PvP destroys how Eso combat is meant to function.
That's all, I think. I probably won't be replying to people telling me things as I'm in far too much of a bad mood to have calm conversation.
Thanks for reading
Edited by Mashille on July 25, 2017 11:03PM House Baratheon: 'Ours Is The Fury'