Yo. So ping for myself and quite a few others is still all over the place. 70 to 400 to 150 to 600. Seeing as how I've personally talked to quite a few people having the issue, and have read forum after forum after forum(which eventually get taken down with no answer from you guys), i can only assume its something on your end, or on the way to your end. If either of the those is the case, then it falls on you to resolve this, or at least update on anything you have figured out/are looking into.
I think the majority of players are having no problem with ping, but a chunk of us are. And seeing as I main a healer in vet trials, fluctuating ping is a dangers game.
Online games have issues, we all understand that. Just any insight into what you're doing about it, or not doing about it, would be great.
Edited by UniversalHealthcare on July 24, 2017 4:02PM