KingYogi415 wrote: »If you could look through hill that would be a hax.
Tezlakipuka wrote: »KingYogi415 wrote: »If you could look through hill that would be a hax.
You cannot look through terrain with this (x-ray). It shows more detailed markers above group member heads and objectives, which are visible through terrain. Even the vanilla Game itself shows these, they are just getting augmented.
My range settings are the same as yours. Group member symbols disappear in a bit above melee range.
Tezlakipuka wrote: »My range settings are the same as yours. Group member symbols disappear in a bit above melee range.
KingYogi415 wrote: »If you could look through hill that would be a hax.
We don't really know each other, but maybe you can figure out a way to turn this fading thing off in the add-on? Must be a line too much somewhere.
@Dorrino Ah, you're the author of Miat's. Thanks for your response.
With how fast-paced PvP is, it's important to locate your group members as quickly as possible. The ZOS original icon is way too small to instantly notice when you're getting ganked by 5+ people. Plus, unlike the crown, it doesn't show up on the compass, making it even harder to locate. By the time you have located the direction of your buddy that is being ganked, he's gonna be dead.
Is there any chance you could just tell me where exactly in the code you put this option, so I could manually disable the fading? If you look at the responses here, I'm definitely the minority.
Using Foundry Tactical Combat, I can see my group member's above-head icon from a pretty good distance through terrain. You won't be able to see them from super far, but a decent distance:
@Dorrino Ah, you're the author of Miat's. Thanks for your response.
With how fast-paced PvP is, it's important to locate your group members as quickly as possible. The ZOS original icon is way too small to instantly notice when you're getting ganked by 5+ people. Plus, unlike the crown, it doesn't show up on the compass, making it even harder to locate. By the time you have located the direction of your buddy that is being ganked, he's gonna be dead.
Is there any chance you could just tell me where exactly in the code you put this option, so I could manually disable the fading? If you look at the responses here, I'm definitely the minority.
It's not that simple:)
The icons location is tied to YOUR camera position is Z direction (height), NOT to the group members vertical location in the world. So group members icons up close will be a. in a wrong position (either above or below actual characters, more often than not WAY above or below) and b. they will be quite large and will cover your view (think about 4 times the size of the characters with the default icons size).
Trust me, if they did what you want them to do, i wouldn't have added the fade out:)
I can add an option to show them anyway in a next update, though.
@Dorrino Thanks for the response. How come the giant pink crown is working so well?I'm gonna sound like an amateur now, but isn't it possible to get rid of the leader check and put the crown on all group members? Theoretical question, not an update suggestion.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »Using Foundry Tactical Combat, I can see my group member's above-head icon from a pretty good distance through terrain. You won't be able to see them from super far, but a decent distance:
Whoever did that update seems to have broken the ultimate counter again (it shows "inf%" for ults with no cost). That was fixed with the Morrowind update.