So next update they have changed the weapon traits. I have done vma around 100 times and didnt get my sharp inferno so I just stopped. I heard/read that they have changed the traits and was wondering if the maths has been crunched and people know what is now bis/optimal (for magic nightblade pve dps).
From the information I have read the difference between sharp, precise, nirn and infused is now only a 2.6% dps difference or so. With the order of the preferred trait being 1) Precise or Infused 2) Nirn or sharp.
IF that is correct and all 4 of the "new preferred" traits only yield a dps increase of 2.6% or so I might actually farm vma again in hopes of getting 2 of either. I think I have a destro nirn in my bank even...
EXTRA: I just cbf farming that place again with less than 1% chance of the item I wanting to drop when I need 2. So if what I said is correct *Fingers crossed* I might farm it again...