leepalmer95 wrote: »Mag dk is great for bgs.
UppGRAYxDD wrote: »Just to ease the MDK hype train, a well built Magplar hard counters any magDK...Honestly for BGs I think Sorc is supreme due the the raw kill stealing power, followed closely by stam proc builds. As for me, I just cant get away from magplar. I almost always am 1st or 2nd in scoring on all domination and deathmatches and 1st or 2nd in Dmg done. Just one thing though, most of my points are derived from assists...especially if there is a sorc on my team or multiples on the other opposing teams.
Dread_Knight_N7 wrote: »I've been running red mountain and way of fire on my stamina templar and it's been working great. I don't think the changes in the next patch will even effect it that much either since way of fire isn't being changed and the small delay to red mountain doesn't matter to me since it will still hit within my power of light window
Waffennacht wrote: »murdomac101 wrote: »
Both very strong, DeHei listed some great combos.