AlcastHQ also has entry level gear for all of his builds, meaning you can have good crafted stuff whilst you farm the dungeons etc. for other gear you want/need.
It depends what you're looking for build wise, PvE/PvP and what class/role you want to perform.
However yes that's the general idea of sets and gearing. If you wanted to look at some end game build ideas I have AlcastHQ and Tamriel Foundry linked in my signature. Both of those have fantastic builds from well informed players.
AlcastHQ also has entry level gear for all of his builds, meaning you can have good crafted stuff whilst you farm the dungeons etc. for other gear you want/need.
I'm trying to get my build like Alcasts Stamblade PVE setup (and I am a vamp). I need to get the set that he recommends and a couple of skills to max level that I never used before - but my DPS has increased A LOT (finding myself dying more though, even with the food buffs - hopefully once I practice more I'll get the hang of it)
I definitely recommend his builds.
Be aware that the next update (some time next month most likely) is changing a lot of the traits for weapons and armour so gear for builds may change.
By all means get some good gear but be careful before you spend all your money on sharpened weapons or making it legendary (gold) if that's you're plan.
Remember as a stam PvE build you must have around 17 to 18k health, with food. Since you are low CP you might not reach that number with full stamina enchants. So, if that mean sacrificing some stamina, do it.
Adding the tanks ebon set + warhorn health bonus you should be nicely above 20k HP, which assuming you keep up Bladecloak which gives you near tank-levels of mitigation against AoE should mean you don't die a lot.
Also, I'd say drop that vampire. The 10% regen does not make or break a build and the downsides are very noticeable especially if you forget to drop from level 4 and end up doing stuff like City of Ash.
Once you are comfortable with mechanics, know what to avoid etc, you can go back to vampire.
It depends what you want to build for, but in general there are multiple ways to build - and how you do it depends on whether you are using a single 2-handed weapon or one in each hand (DW, or sword n shield) as this can impact how many set bonuses you can get.
For example, I have a number of builds.. One which uses 2 full 5-piece sets and only a single monster set piece(head), eg :
Set1 = 5 body pieces
Set2 = jewellery+weapon+shoulder
Monster=head. (or you could have monster=shoulder and set2 having a head piece instead of shoulder.
One using DW:
Set 1 = 2 monster pieces (head+shoulder)
Set2 = 2 swords (staff back bar, so only get the 5-piece benefit on the DW bar), 3 body
Set3 = 3 jewellery, 2 body
There are some using:
5 body
Masters or Maelstron 2-hander (not many people have these)
3-piece jewellery (ie willpower)
2 monster.
Plenty of ways to do it, depending what you want.
Something to note is that crafted gear has no jewellery - but you can order traits/pieces/weights etc to your requirements.
Jewellry mostly comes from drops in dungeons. dolmen rewards, from chests, quest rewards etc. Cyro is just a way to get gold versions and only one piece is sold at a a time - on the weekend, so don't rely on Cyro for it.
I get most of my jewellery from guild traders.
Jewellry isn't a 3-piece set on its own (apart from a few exceptions like willpower/agility etc) - it is usually PART of a 5-piece.
In addition, you also need to think about the weight of the armour you want (light/med/heavy). If you have the last undaunted passive (undaunted mettle), it can be advantageous to go 5/1/1 (ie 5 of your main choice - lets say light, and one each of the other - eg, heavy+med)
If mixing like this, you get more armour resistances from having the heavy as the body piece - BUT almost all non-crafted sets only come in specific weights (eg Spinners is only light) - so often people use the monster set to get their 1/1 weights.
If you don't have undaunted mettle, 7 of your main is probably best (but hard to say) - but in all cases, the armour passives have bonuses that only apply if you are wearing 5 or more pieces of that type - so pretty much all builds are either 5/1/1, 5/2, 7 or 6/1 (ie 5 or more of their main armour type)
Hope that helps!