New Templar....DDS vs DS & DW...pros & cons?

Hello Fellow ESO Travelers

For the fun of it and give a go, I started a Templar (Altmer - High Elf) and actually have grown on him. I'm about to hit the Level 15 getting my second weapon bar and still unsure if I should go the Double Destro or Destro & Dual Weld. I've looked at Alcast, Deltia's and some builds on the Tamriel Foundry with both options showing promise. If one glaring factor is there it boils down with "Resource Management" with the Double Sestro build being easier to deal with but seems like going the DS & DW gives a bit more damage options covering both up close and distance.

So I wanted to ask those who might have it either and use them as to their thoughts, suggestions and the pros & cons. I have as my main a Breton Sorc (CP180) along with a Dunmer DK and Khajiit NB. Thanks for any input and thoughts on this.

KJ - BuzzZaw82 - PS4
  • DeHei
    I dont really like the option for magickaplayer playing with DW, because the weapon dont support your playstyle with weaponattack(damage based from Stamina and makes low damage), but Templar has some channeled attacks and you dont need light attacks between. You can use this bar as buffbar and using puncturing sweep and your finisher radiant over it.
    I hope they will change it in short future to give better options for example to magickaplayer, who just want weapons, which support there playstyle like destro/destro...
    Until that destro/dw (just with swords) should be the best option for damage.
    DeHei - EP Magicka Templar Allrounder
    De Hei(Youtube)
  • UppGRAYxDD
    Magplar is a great support/dps/tank/healer character. You can choose a different path very easily in comparison to other classes. That being said, if you really wanna dps or tank just stick with your sorc or dk till you hit at least 400 cp...If you wanna bring the healz then magplar.
    "Stendarr's mercy be upon you, for the vigil has none to spare."
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