Looking for Aussie's!

Soul Shriven
Hi all,

Just picked up Morrowind - first instalment in the franchise.

I'm looking for some Aussie's to play with - I'm 28 with a wife and a few hobbies so it'd be cool to be able to team up with people in a similar boat.

If anybody would be happy to help out a Rookie please let me know.
  • Blairy087
    If your looking for a good guild I can invite you to Brotherhood Of Bogans. We are in the Oceanic timezone(GMT +10). We have 400+ members now from various parts of the world most Australia and New Zealand with a good amount of US players as well and we are steadily growing.
    We use Discord to Organise Trials and pvp events. Just ask Bhaal5 or any off our officers for an invite code in game
    We do most content from Daily Pledges to Trials and have alot of experienced and helpful mature players.
    It doesn't matter how new or experienced you are, wether you play everyday or once a week. So if you want a guild that is Friendly, Helpful and Experienced look no further than Brotherhood Of Bogans.
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