Created a Werewolf Guild!

Edit: Thank you for the offer, but I ended up deciding to make my own guild! We have 12 members already and growing, got some stuff in the bank, a 50/50 raffle and a discord channel up and running. Poke me in-game with a message to @coop500. Anyone wishing to become a WW may also join us! Not a single gold for the raffle will go to me, it will all go half to the winner, half to the bank to save up for a trader.

I hope this is okay to ask for here, but I was wondering if there were any guilds that were mainly werewolves who like to run dungeons as werewolves? After all we have that Call of the Pack passive and it feels wasted most of the time, but I did run a dungeon with two other WW randoms and it was amazing. It'd be fun to do that on a regular basis.

If there isn't one, I may just make one later today~
Edited by coop500 on July 20, 2017 3:07PM
Hoping for more playable races
  • Chrlynsch
    Hit me up @CHRLYNSCH. Scourge Alliance runs a EP PVP group in Cyrodiil every Wednesday. We do pve stuff too now and again for dailies and what not. Pretty fun.
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
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