puffytheslayer wrote: »you forgot a major part of their trolling @Ch4mpTW
everytime we complain about something thats broken
why would they fix it - they already got teh money!
The greatest troll of ESO... Is ZOS. Without a doubt. I've never seen any game company literally go out of their way, to anger and in a sense mock the consumers of their product.
puffytheslayer wrote: »why would they fix it - they already got teh money!
Wish there was a multi quote option. Just like GW when the new CEO realised that you don't mock your player base and give them what they want instead of what you want to give, you get millions more in money.
I guess Zenimax doesn't like money. Or I should say they don't like having more money instead of going the shady way of doing things.
Ever herd of Games Workshop? Now they have changed but it was just a few years ago where the CEO would mock their customers and say that "the hobby" was buying GW products. Basically he was saying we were stupid enough to keep buying way over priced plastic toy soldiers and keep doing so. Thing is, we stopped buying and they finally changed their tune.
Now people just need to stop buying ESO products. Time will tell, it took over 15 or 20 years for GW to turn around. Will ESO last that long? Again time will tell.
The greatest troll of ESO... Is ZOS. Without a doubt. I've never seen any game company literally go out of their way, to anger and in a sense mock the consumers of their product.
Is there a legitimate reason why the devs absolutely refuse to throw us a bone, and either increase the drop-rates on things that are so sought after by the player base. Or just return things to: Defending, sharpened, and precise for traits? Because the more and more I think about it, the more and more I feel like the devs legitimately don't give a damn. Lol. It's like I picture them at a conference meeting, and they're all discussing things that the player base has been asking for. And the topic of a token system for VMA pops up. Or removing garbage traits like charged and what not. And they all go, "N'aaaah. It's not that important."
Meanwhile the community had been asking for some help in reducing the RNG for years now. Not just in VMA, but everywhere. Devs be like, "Lol... So?"
Just think about it. They can EASILY make us all incredibly happy with just a simple hotfix regarding loot tables. And we'd be Gucci. They have the power to do that. And don't say they don't. If Blizzard can make "Mortick's Brace" (arguably the best bracers for a Barbarian class in Diablo 3 history) cease to drop instantly, and without an incremental patch across all platforms. So can ZOS. But in different way.
I mean... How long has it been, since we have asked the devs to stop having training and prosperous gear drop in trials and Undaunted Chests. Yet! It's July 2017, and deadass we still getting tons of gear in these garbage traits. Lol.
And what makes it so much more infuriating, is they know they can easily make everyone happy. They know the gravity of a change like that being made, and how giddy it would make the community. In fact, I personally believe that if ZOS were to make such dramatic changes. They'd get: IGN, Kotaku, etc. coverage. Without a doubt. If the Kuruma glitch on GTA:V being patched would make news, without a doubt this would.
But still... ZOS be like, "Remember those Wrobel memes, and this will be a buff meme you all made? Yeah, take that L and keep grinding. And we have your money. You mad? And deadass you signed a contract agreeing that we don't have to do a damn thing, if we don't choose to. Now y u mad tho?"
And it's not RNG. It's everything. We are FINALLY getting around to having bankable AP soon. Something which should've been in the game from the jump. Yet it's finally being looked over, and in discussions and being planned for the next DLC. Meanwhile... People have been asking for it for how long...?
ZOS, I have to salute you all. You all just do whatever you all want, and because it is in contract — we have to deal with it. You pee in bottles, and tell us it's apple juice. And if we don't like it? You tell us don't drink it. Pretty much the same thing in regards to what old boy said regarding the current state of the game. A developer literally told people on video, that if they don't like the way the game is headed and how ZOS is doing things? To not play it. Simple as that. How do you even come out the side of your neck, and say that to the folks who laced your pockets and supported your company? Meanwhile you're on video talking big Willy, and that big boy talk.ZOS, you all are some straight up cyber thugs. Goon-ass cats. Straight gully. And I peep that, and respect that. Too funny.
humpalicous wrote: »Agreed.
And the following actions on their part will be according to ZOS principles:
"Oh someone complaining about us on the forums, let's just close the thread and say that it's not game-related"
Mark my words
The greatest troll of ESO... Is ZOS. Without a doubt. I've never seen any game company literally go out of their way, to anger and in a sense mock the consumers of their product.
Is there a legitimate reason why the devs absolutely refuse to throw us a bone, and either increase the drop-rates on things that are so sought after by the player base. Or just return things to: Defending, sharpened, and precise for traits? Because the more and more I think about it, the more and more I feel like the devs legitimately don't give a damn. Lol. It's like I picture them at a conference meeting, and they're all discussing things that the player base has been asking for. And the topic of a token system for VMA pops up. Or removing garbage traits like charged and what not. And they all go, "N'aaaah. It's not that important."
Meanwhile the community had been asking for some help in reducing the RNG for years now. Not just in VMA, but everywhere. Devs be like, "Lol... So?"
Just think about it. They can EASILY make us all incredibly happy with just a simple hotfix regarding loot tables. And we'd be Gucci. They have the power to do that. And don't say they don't. If Blizzard can make "Mortick's Brace" (arguably the best bracers for a Barbarian class in Diablo 3 history) cease to drop instantly, and without an incremental patch across all platforms. So can ZOS. But in different way.
I mean... How long has it been, since we have asked the devs to stop having training and prosperous gear drop in trials and Undaunted Chests. Yet! It's July 2017, and deadass we still getting tons of gear in these garbage traits. Lol.
And what makes it so much more infuriating, is they know they can easily make everyone happy. They know the gravity of a change like that being made, and how giddy it would make the community. In fact, I personally believe that if ZOS were to make such dramatic changes. They'd get: IGN, Kotaku, etc. coverage. Without a doubt. If the Kuruma glitch on GTA:V being patched would make news, without a doubt this would.
But still... ZOS be like, "Remember those Wrobel memes, and this will be a buff meme you all made? Yeah, take that L and keep grinding. And we have your money. You mad? And deadass you signed a contract agreeing that we don't have to do a damn thing, if we don't choose to. Now y u mad tho?"
And it's not RNG. It's everything. We are FINALLY getting around to having bankable AP soon. Something which should've been in the game from the jump. Yet it's finally being looked over, and in discussions and being planned for the next DLC. Meanwhile... People have been asking for it for how long...?
ZOS, I have to salute you all. You all just do whatever you all want, and because it is in contract — we have to deal with it. You pee in bottles, and tell us it's apple juice. And if we don't like it? You tell us don't drink it. Pretty much the same thing in regards to what old boy said regarding the current state of the game. A developer literally told people on video, that if they don't like the way the game is headed and how ZOS is doing things? To not play it. Simple as that. How do you even come out the side of your neck, and say that to the folks who laced your pockets and supported your company? Meanwhile you're on video talking big Willy, and that big boy talk.ZOS, you all are some straight up cyber thugs. Goon-ass cats. Straight gully. And I peep that, and respect that. Too funny.
I think the U15 will fix this - in their own way, by making several traits viable. The token system might have been on their table, but I think it has been brushed off because a token system can be a hell to do on the UI/UX side. Think how many different tokens you'd need to implement (Maelstrom, 5 trials, dragonstar, lots of group dungeons), now try to design an interface which is clear to everybody and isn't ugly.Is there a legitimate reason why the devs absolutely refuse to throw us a bone, and either increase the drop-rates on things that are so sought after by the player base. Or just return things to: Defending, sharpened, and precise for traits? Because the more and more I think about it, the more and more I feel like the devs legitimately don't give a damn. Lol. It's like I picture them at a conference meeting, and they're all discussing things that the player base has been asking for. And the topic of a token system for VMA pops up. Or removing garbage traits like charged and what not. And they all go, "N'aaaah. It's not that important."
Meanwhile the community had been asking for some help in reducing the RNG for years now. Not just in VMA, but everywhere. Devs be like, "Lol... So?"
Just think about it. They can EASILY make us all incredibly happy with just a simple hotfix regarding loot tables. And we'd be Gucci. They have the power to do that. And don't say they don't. If Blizzard can make "Mortick's Brace" (arguably the best bracers for a Barbarian class in Diablo 3 history) cease to drop instantly, and without an incremental patch across all platforms. So can ZOS. But in different way.
The garbage traits have their reason to exist, right? I mean, we already saw a topic in these forums in which the OP wanted ZoS to keep Prosperous as it is now. In my opinion, better solution would be making the garbage traits worth using. Like you can buy computers with certain logo on them, when in reality you could get similar one (performance wise) from elsewhere - polish the excrement to make it worth the hassle.I mean... How long has it been, since we have asked the devs to stop having training and prosperous gear drop in trials and Undaunted Chests. Yet! It's July 2017, and deadass we still getting tons of gear in these garbage traits. Lol.
Better late than never? Maybe they haven't budgetted enough on the dev side while budgetting more to microtransactions? (*tinfoil hat mode*)And it's not RNG. It's everything. We are FINALLY getting around to having bankable AP soon. Something which should've been in the game from the jump. Yet it's finally being looked over, and in discussions and being planned for the next DLC. Meanwhile... People have been asking for it for how long...?
Well, it's kinda ***-ish to tell your customers to be satisfied and stop whining, or whine and stop playing. I think customer-friendliness is something ZOS can work on.But still... ZOS be like, "Remember those Wrobel memes, and this will be a buff meme you all made? Yeah, take that L and keep grinding. And we have your money. You mad? And deadass you signed a contract agreeing that we don't have to do a damn thing, if we don't choose to. Now y u mad tho?"
ZOS, I have to salute you all. You all just do whatever you all want, and because it is in contract — we have to deal with it. You pee in bottles, and tell us it's apple juice. And if we don't like it? You tell us don't drink it. Pretty much the same thing in regards to what old boy said regarding the current state of the game. A developer literally told people on video, that if they don't like the way the game is headed and how ZOS is doing things? To not play it. Simple as that. How do you even come out the side of your neck, and say that to the folks who laced your pockets and supported your company? Meanwhile you're on video talking big Willy, and that big boy talk.ZOS, you all are some straight up cyber thugs. Goon-ass cats. Straight gully. And I peep that, and respect that. Too funny.