If you're alone and I'm in the mood, I'll take on anyone, even an emp. Especially an emp.
When you're in cyrodiil, it's best to be able to rely on yourself. I'm confident that I can beat any single opponent that would ever come my way. If you don't have that, the next thing you'd want is to be able to escape any opponent who comes your way. If not that, survive any opponent. If none of the above, avoid any opponent. I'm going to guess you don't fit into the first category. In the second category you can find a clever NB that can avoid getting revealed, or a speedy stam sorc that can outrun non-mounted players. If you can't do that, try a super tanky healer that can live longer than the average attention span. If none of those work, use and abuse invisibility/speed pots as necessary as a vamp (or using that one set to ignore sneak speed penalty).