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New Player - A few questions

Hi folks, I'm a new player and I've never played an MMORPG before. I'm enjoying ESO thoroughly, and I purchased the Morrowind expansion and the new Warden class is right up my alley. However, after playing for about two weeks, I've got a few questions that I wouldn't mind getting some feedback on from more experienced players:

Question 1 - Is ESO+ worth it? I did the free trial, and I understand crowns are involved. But is it really worth the money?

Question 2 - Morrowind of course starts us in Vvardenfell. But I'm growing a little tired of the scenery there and for one character, I'm kinda stuck on the main mission. That being said, is there a good level in which I should leave Vvardenfell and check out the rest of the world? And HOW exactly do I leave Vvardenfell?

Question 3 - I like creating characters. It's fun. Right now, I've got a Lvl11 Wood Elf Warden, and a Lvl5 High Elf Sorcerer and a Lvl5 Khajiit Nightblade. I've got plans for some Ebonpact characters as well. My question is, how dedicated should I be to leveling up 1 character? I like variety. I like seeing what each character can do. So, when I get bored, time for a new character for a while! But should I be dedicating time to just one of them right now?

Thanks in advance!
  • gpreid81
    You should do the main quest with the prophet in your alliance starter zone find a social guild they will help in game
  • Turelus
    DogSidhe13 wrote: »
    Question 1 - Is ESO+ worth it? I did the free trial, and I understand crowns are involved. But is it really worth the money?
    This is a tricky one to judge as each person finds their own worth in it.
    I personally have always had ESO+ and think it's a great deal, one subscription for all the games DLC, the crafting bag (this is amazing!), double housing item limit and now double bank space as well.
    Now if you already own the games DLC this becomes a little less valuable because you'll be paying for access to something you already own.
    DogSidhe13 wrote: »
    Question 2 - Morrowind of course starts us in Vvardenfell. But I'm growing a little tired of the scenery there and for one character, I'm kinda stuck on the main mission. That being said, is there a good level in which I should leave Vvardenfell and check out the rest of the world? And HOW exactly do I leave Vvardenfell?
    You can leave an explore any time and at any level, all the content now scales so you should find everything is about the same difficulty until you hot C160 or are doing group content.
    To leave I believe you just take a boat from a dock to an alliance capital (I'm pretty sure Seyda Neen has one) and from there you can start questing in the older zones.
    DogSidhe13 wrote: »
    Question 3 - I like creating characters. It's fun. Right now, I've got a Lvl11 Wood Elf Warden, and a Lvl5 High Elf Sorcerer and a Lvl5 Khajiit Nightblade. I've got plans for some Ebonpact characters as well. My question is, how dedicated should I be to leveling up 1 character? I like variety. I like seeing what each character can do. So, when I get bored, time for a new character for a while! But should I be dedicating time to just one of them right now?
    Do whatever is fun for you. Having one max level character will certainly be beneficial for when you want to do group content or farm gear, but once each of your characters reach 50 they will share the Champion Rank as it's account bound.
    So whichever character you're playing (as long as they're base level 50) will continue to progress towards higher champion levels.
    Edited by Turelus on July 13, 2017 12:59PM
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • BlackSparrow
    1. Entirely subjective. Some players say "heck yes!" while other players say "heck no!" Personally, I love the ESO+ perks: the cosmetic bonuses like unlimited costume dying and extra housing space are right up my alley, and the inventory management perks (Crafting Bag, double bank space) are nothing to sneeze at! This page lists all the bonuses. It's up to you whether you think it's worth the monthly price. For now, go ahead and keep playing without it, if you're not sure. You can join at any time, if it strikes your fancy down the road.

    2. Go to the Vivec dock, north of the silt strider. There will be navigators there who can take you to the mainland. Specifically, check your quest journal for a quest that mentions a "hooded man"... that will lead you toward the original main quest outside Vvardenfell.

    3. Again, entirely subjective! As someone who has 11 characters, I definitely feel this itch. It's great to be able to pick my playstyle each gaming session. That said... it might be a good idea to focus on one character for a little while... like, get one of them to level 30 or so. Just so you get a feel of the game and start to understand the mechanics. You're likely to make a couple assumptions about the game when you're first trying it out, which can lead to mistakes in how you're building your characters. So, you might want to focus on one character to make those starting mistakes on, so you only need to respec one character down the road, instead of 8. Then, once you feel like you know what you should be doing, feel free to go nuts with as many alts as the game will allow. :)
    Living vicariously through my characters.

    My Girls:
    "If you were trapped in your house for, say, a year, how would you pass the time?"

    Nephikah the Houseless, dunmer assassin: "I suppose I could use the break. I have a lot of business holdings now that need management."
    Swum-Many-Waters, elderly argonian healer: "I think that I would enjoy writing a memoir."
    Silh'ki, khajiit warrior-chef: "Would this one be able to go outside, to the nearby river? It's hard to fish without water!"
    Peregrine Huntress, bosmer hunter: "Who is forcing me to stay inside, and where can I find them?"
    Lorenyawe, altmer mechanist: "And why would I want to go outside in the first place? Too much to be done in the workshop."
    Lorelai Magpie, breton master thief: "I'd go nuts. Lucky for me, I have a little experience sneaking out!"
    Rasheda the Burning Heart, redguard knight: "I would continue my training to keep my skills sharp."
    Hex-Eye Azabi, khajiit daedric priestess: "I suppose it would be lucky, then, that I built a shrine to Mephala in my backyard."
    Yngva Stormhammer, nord bandit (reformed...ish): "I hate being inside even when I'm not forced to be. GET. ME. OUT."
    Madam Argentia, vampire dunmer aristocrat: "I suppose it would be more of the same. I have a rather... contentious relationship with the sun."
    Mazie gra-Bolga, orc scout: "Uh... I'd have to house train my bear..."
    Felicia the Wanderer, imperial witch-for-hire: "What Lorelai said."
    Calico Jaka-dra, retired khajiit pirate: "This one would like a rest from her grand adventures. Her jewel shop runs out of stock!"
    Shimmerbeam, blind altmer psijic: "Provided that I am confined to Artaeum, I do not think I will want for things to occupy my time."
    Shauna Blackfire, redguard necromancer: "Sounds like paradise. I hate people."
    Kirniel the Undying, cursed bosmer warrior: "I would feel useless, not being able to fight."
    Echoes-from-Dragons, argonian who thinks she's a dragon: "All the better to count my hoard!"

    (Signature idea shamelessly stolen from Abeille.)
  • bebynnag
    to really answer the questions (other than how to leave vvardenfell) it is important to know what you want to do

    because atm you are having fun creating new characters & exploring so you could just keep doing that,
    but if you want to run dungeons or pvp - the higher your level the better because you have access to better skills & passives

    what platform & server are you on btw?
    Edited by bebynnag on July 13, 2017 1:06PM
  • Kaymorolis
    Turelus wrote: »
    DogSidhe13 wrote: »
    Question 3 - I like creating characters. It's fun. Right now, I've got a Lvl11 Wood Elf Warden, and a Lvl5 High Elf Sorcerer and a Lvl5 Khajiit Nightblade. I've got plans for some Ebonpact characters as well. My question is, how dedicated should I be to leveling up 1 character? I like variety. I like seeing what each character can do. So, when I get bored, time for a new character for a while! But should I be dedicating time to just one of them right now?
    Do whatever is fun for you. Having one max level character will certainly be beneficial for when you want to do group content or farm gear, but once each of your characters reach 50 they will share the Champion Rank as it's account bound.
    So whichever character you're playing (as long as they're base level 50) will continue to progress towards higher champion levels.
    One benefit for new characters after leveling one to 50 is that all your characters can assign their CP's, even if they are not 50. My MagSorc is less than level 10 but I have assigned him all 180+ CP.

    PC | NA
    CP: 240+
    Tai'Zar - 50 Bosmer Stamblade
    Annatar the Fair - 50 Altmer MagSorc
    Rules Through Fear - 50 Argonian Templar
  • RavenSworn
    also, join a guild focusing on new players and helping them find their footing in the world. *ahem* like mine. :wink:

    you can safely traverse the world of tamriel safe with the knowledge that only we know how noobish you are.

    Give us toot in Discord!
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
  • Wolfenbelle
    @DogSidhe13, as others have said to your first question, only you can decide if ESO+ has value for you. I can only share my experience with it. Like you, I never played an MMORPG game before ESO, and I joined during pre-launch in 2014. I have always been subscribed to the game and didn't change when ZOS converted the original subscription model to the ESO+ model. So I've had it for over three years and can honestly say the game would not be as enjoyable for me without the perks that come with ESO+.

    Others have answered your question 2.

    For your #3, as others have said, there are important benefits to max leveling at least one character. I'm the opposite of you in this way. Still playing my first character as my main and prefer her to any other character I've started. I have 3 maxed characters. My main is a stamina templar. The 2nd one is a magicka sorc, and the third is a magicka DK. I started a nightblade two years ago, got her to level 23 and stopped. Now I'm trying a magicka warden, but am not sure I'll keep going with that one. My other characters are "mules" created back when bank and bag space was more limited and extra characters were needed for storage. I'll keep them but never level them.

    Max leveling at least one character will give you much more flexibility and choices for what to do in the game. So my suggestion is to pick one character you want to keep as your "main" and max level it.

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