There's a type of sorc that I keep running into in Battlegrounds. There are multiple people doing this. They start in the staging area as the self-appointed group leader, telling everyone to stay together. And as soon as the gate drops, they hit boundless storm and streak away.

They then streak and storm a over the map, yapping the whole time: "dude where r u guys?", "cmon keep up", and "I said stay together, all 4 here".
If you're doing this - stop. Part of working together means having an awareness of where your party is. Unless you're an all Sorc group, they can't keep up. And if they burn all their stamina sprinting after you, odds are good they'll be stunned and killed the second an enemy finds them trailing behind. Don't be that guy. And if a party member (or 2) tells you to stop streaking off by yourself if you expect to stay together, there's no need to be a jerk about it.
Is anyone else seeing this a lot?
Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche