Prob the 600th post on this but... This is possibly one of the biggest nerfs yet i think. I mean just the sheer number of people that have spent hundreds of hours in vma trying to get sharp weapons and now we're back to nirnhoned. And never mind all the other people farming sharpened weapons in dungeons/overland. I mean i spent 4-500 runs in darkshade L4 an automaton sharp 2h just to never get it... To bad i only have a vma flame staff in nirnhoned and some old weapons from crafted sets, they still will be good, but i literally got my sharp 2h a couple months ago. Deff sucks.. Pretty much the only thing i found absolutely ridiculous reading that today tbh..
But on another note i am sooo open to see where zos takes the game, even with this nerf, because almost anything is better than where we are right now. Also i dont think this sharp nerf should go down like this. Nirn is already going to be better with the buff, am i to understand that now if i run S/B i am getting only like 1375 pen?? or can we at least give S/B the full 2750 or whatever it is. Idk, as is the life of playing an mmo i suppose.. Any thoughts? Especially with s/b and overland sets that (i think) dont drop in nirn, such as silks..