It appears that a fix was released in todays patch for PC/MAC for the dual wield animation bug. Whether or not it is actually fixed has yet to be seen, but as a console player I would like to know: When is this patch due for consoles? As it stands right now, this bug is LITERALLY gamebreaking for stamina. You cannot weave attacks, period. In PvE, this is a massive DPS and sustain loss. In PvP, unless your target stays practically still and you don't get CC'd, none of the abilities you cast will even land during/after the bug. This causes you to use stamina, for LITERALLY nothing. If this patch is not due for months on console, many players will get fed up and quit (I know several top stam players who already have moved on to other games/unsubbed).
@ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP