All I ever read on forums was how this game was absolutely nothing to do with ES series. It really put me off and I played many other MMO's instead. Even my own brother hated on this one and I am pretty positive that is only because he was trying to play this on a console which I just cannot seem to fathom even though they definitely and unfortunately to me tried to design around it. What an awesome game very true to ES series in lore, art, and style. I have now played about 100+ hours and have 2 level 40's many 30's and what not. I have no idea what the hell people were griping about the game not being like ES at all? Sure the mechanics aren't, but the mechanics were awful in the original compared to many MMO's in my time and what you guys have done in this one. The mechanics in this one are leaps and bounds better than any ES game. I have been an ES since the first. I think I beat oblivion 40+ times (sick I know). While there are some improvements that could be done you guys have a very solid base here.
My gripes:
1. I hate feeling nickel and dimed in this game and SWTOR. It's frustrating as hell. I would much rather pay an upfront large subscriber fee than have to keep accounting of what is spent on this one...of course you guys know that and know most people will be willing to spend more if you bury it like our government does with 389741298741098 taxes on everything instead of a straight bill. I don't like feeling like I am being conned and I do in this game and I do see how much I spend on it...Stuff in the ESO store is generally ridiculously expensive...I feel like we are paying for all the 'free loaders'.
2. Archers suck and it's my favorite class...please up the bow damage by either adding a skill or change some morph's so we have more viable options, or up dmg of existing skills.
3. I feel so damn limited with only 5 skills on the bars...incredibly frustrating and pisses me off to think this was a result of trying to design around consoles...It's really frustrating having 2 different bars and some of the same skills in some case son both bars but in different spots because they have to be...7 would be great or have an opt out of the second bar and extend the first bar as payback.
4. I won't stay with a game very long if PvP isn't a serious part of the game. Fun competition and the camaraderie and loyalty that PvP can foster and that I have experienced is impossible for me to go without anymore when it comes to an MMO. When politics and factions aren't forced upon the playerbase and FFA servers are provided a whole new level of awesome is opened up. I hate permanent forced factions and faux engineered hated doesn't make much of an adversary...I like the chance of traitors, thieves, and what not. I like when guilds and friends REALLY matter. They just don't in modern day MMO's. I like when your death matters, but isn't catastrophic. I am not saying do this with all servers, but one server would be nice...
Other than that what an incredible job on story, environments, and really making it Elder Scrolls. I am extremely impressed and this is coming from someone who quit the first day of playing a few months back only to force my self to give it a week like I do with all mmo's, because I have quickly played several and did not like them and they ended up being 10+ year long gaming experiences for me in the end.
Had Asheron's Call Darktide server not been shut down I would still be there 15+ years strong...that's the type of environment point #4 can spurn...