Housing wish: bubbling/steamy cauldron

Id love to have animated cauldrons with a toggle to change from cooking (fire/ bubbling or bubbling and steam rising) to off, as a housing item. Im hoping this isnt a wait till halloween for the lux vendor item.
  • CorsennaRyu
    I'd also love to be able to get a pattern for intractable flaming firelogs.
  • Sticky_Paws
    The pattern would be nice, but i dont forsee it since its a crown store item ( on the purchase tab in housing editor)
  • davey1107
    Well, there used to be an NPC named Mathilda Matidigizar the Profane. But the kind decreed that she needed to put amsheet over her "steamy cauldron" because no one needs to see that sickness. Barf.
  • Sticky_Paws
    Oh my. Where was she located? Your info has me intrigued... enough to go see for myself.
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