Today, I was fishing in Stonefalls with my main, Bee'lest, trying to get the rare fish before I had to call it quits for the night (I have a 5am start to my shift at work tomorrow).
So, I was going to sell the fish, but then decided "Eh, why not filet them?"
Got a Perfect Roe. Of course, I don't need Perfect Roe, so i decided to sell to other players.
Problem? I don't know the sell price. So I said in Stonefalls zone chat "WTS Perfect Roe x1, 1k gold, pst."
10 seconds later, my chatbox exploded with replies. One said, "You must be very new or very stupid." Another said, "1k? Please tell me you are trying to rob yourself." And the last one said, "WTS Noob Merchant, $5.99, pst."
Well, when someone said, "Bruh, sell it for more, it's worth 10K according to mm", I quickly changed the price to 7K.
Story over. Discuss.
^ People I like to upset!SirMontyII wrote: »Everyone - please ask for a price check (PC) when selling large ticket items - some people get uppity if you low ball the price. We who use MM or TTC are happy to help.
there you go; turning brand-names into verbs again.The_Red_Viper wrote: »Well they where right and you probably deserved getting robbed for being too lazy to google the price for it.
Sure. Like after 3 years, it's really difficult for MM to locate pricing on some 'rarer' items. It's quite amazing to watch the variation in responses from all those that are 'happy to help'.SirMontyII wrote: »Everyone - please ask for a price check (PC) when selling large ticket items - some people get uppity if you low ball the price. We who use MM or TTC are happy to help.
I agree with some of the above posters.
The people messaging you had the chance of a lifetime to get a perfect for 1/10 of the going price, and they actively tried to eliminate the chances of that happening instead of taking advantage of the opportunity when it presented itself. I can't say that comes off as intelligent behavior.
SirMontyII wrote: »Everyone - please ask for a price check (PC) when selling large ticket items - some people get uppity if you low ball the price. We who use MM or TTC are happy to help.
stewhead2ub17_ESO wrote: »SirMontyII wrote: »Everyone - please ask for a price check (PC) when selling large ticket items - some people get uppity if you low ball the price. We who use MM or TTC are happy to help.
Who are you? The Iron Bank? No offense, Sir, but an item that is mine I will sell for whatever I decide.