Maintenance for the week of January 13:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 13

TIP of the day "Battlegrounds"

Play solo or group on the weekdays between 12am and 9am to avoid the Death Que !

Sorry kids but people who play these hours will always be atop the leaderboards. A 1-2 min que vs a 10 to 20 min que is alot better.

Good day!
  • Fake Remedy
    Fake Remedy
    Can confirm this EU PC side. If you want to get anywhere close to premade battleground pvp you have to be prepared to play unsociable hours.
    Fake Remedy

    yt. Fake_Remedy
    twitch. Fake_Remedy
    discord. fake_remedy#3254
  • Jitterbug
    MMO of the year
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