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Time in solo vs group content / favorite activity?

I'm curious to know how most of you divide your ESO time. What percentage would you say you spend in game solo (questing, crafting, gathering, Maelstrom, etc) VS spent on group content (pvp, trials, group dungeons etc)? From discussions here I'm guessing it's overwhelmingly spent on group content?

And: of group content, what is your favorite type of thing to do?

I'd like to know because I'm trying to work myself up to doing more group content. For three years, I've done maybe 95% solo and 5% group. Not because I want to, but because I have mega bad social anxiety when doing/saying things in real-time. I've never been able to do a trial, or IC or Cyrodil or Craglorn, or anything but normal dungeons. So I'd like to know what % of your play time you spend on such things, and what group activities you like the best... hoping that hearing about what I'm missing will make me less afraid to jump in... one day ;);)
  • Narvuntien
    90-99% solo.

    It is too hard to find people to do things with. Group finder is not worth the headache.

    I do cryodil semi solo (solo Tag along) or sometimes as the actual group leader for a zone chat formed group
    Edited by Narvuntien on July 2, 2017 5:14AM
  • StormWylf
    90-95% Solo
  • Gothren
    mixture of solo and group content. only do pledges when i need something and when I pvp its mostly solo. in pve I do my own thing. right now im farming for lots of gold to get my house perfect. its a long process to get the achievement furnishings you want.
  • DaveMoeDee
    I have been around 100% solo for over 2 months, but I will do a lot of Cyrodiil during the event. Maybe I'll even do a pledge on Monday.
  • oaflet
    A lot more going solo than I'd have guessed! I feel less weird, at least :blush:
    DaveMoeDee wrote: »
    I have been around 100% solo for over 2 months, but I will do a lot of Cyrodiil during the event. Maybe I'll even do a pledge on Monday.

    I'm thinking the midyear event may be a good time for me to break the PVP ice. I've only been to Cyrodiil in solo sneak mode and avoided people, lol. I hate feeling like I'm missing out on so much of the game, and this doesn't seem too intimidating.

  • ADarklore
    100% solo here... not sure why OP feels that "From discussions here I'm guessing it's overwhelmingly spent on group content" when in reality the game's majority players are solo questers. Craglorn was a 'group only' zone and it was an utter failure so ZOS made it more 'solo-friendly' and made the main quest completely soloable... and stated they will never implement another group only' zone because of how unpopular it was. So no, for most people their time in ESO is not spend overwhelmingly playing group content.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • oaflet
    I had the wrong impression, it would seem!
    And I didn't know the main quest line in Craglorn is soloable, I'm glad you mentioned that. Now I know what I'm doing tomorrow!
  • Argah
    Mostly solo, don't even like the crap I do either been a real slog trying to get to 160cp (at 140 now) so I can finally get gear sets etc. and get into endgame.
  • GeorgeBlack
    Played solo for 1.5 years most of the time.
    Returned with inrl friends. Playing in group most of the time. Don't bother using Group Finder for Random Dungeons. Broken as.
  • Cardhwion
    85-90% solo
    10% group, mostly dolmens

    "Why did I follow him...? I don't know. Why do things happen as they do in dreams? All I know is that, when he beckoned... I had to follow him. From that moment, we traveled together, East. Always... into the East."
  • SJD_Phoenix
    Anything o can do solo I will.

    Pvp, normal dungeons, que for BG's solo.

    Vet dungeons are about the only thing I find a group for.

    I dislike the majority of the community on XB1 so I'd prefer to not rub shoulders with elitist losers that feel entitled.
  • Annra
    100% solo. I skip every content I can't do solo.
  • Aurie
    Entirely solo so far, but I am still levelling and way off endgame.

    I'm glad ESO is solo-friendly. Not all of us can or want to group all the time, so it's great that everybody has the choice.
  • EvilKiwi
    95% solo, 5% group. I also didn't know that Craglorn's main story can be done solo. I'll be giving that a go for sure.
    No Lollygagging.
  • Gargath
    95% solo, other players usually annoy me too much, those their unpredictible behaviours. Especially dislike player Wardens and Sorcerers stealing my kills, don't know why, it's inside me :expressionless: .
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • Turelus
    I spend a lot more of my time when new story comes out doing solo content, as I like turning off and going through the world taking my time to speak with every NPC. I am a big RPG fan and love getting lost in settings for a while.

    Once I run low on that kind of content or if I am not in the mood for that I normally try and do group content with friends or guilds. If that's not available I will either go farm some achievements/gold or just take a night to do something else.

    So I guess a bit of a mix for me?

    Edit: As for the social anxiety side I suffer with it as well. I tend to hate joining new groups because I don't want to deal with the issues of conflicts (why I've still not done done a PUG battleground). I would say try and find some friends or a guild of good people (Try asking MissBizz to join hers as she's good people) and then it feels more relaxed as if you mess up or say/do something stupid it's good people you know you won't have to take crap from.
    Edited by Turelus on July 2, 2017 9:40AM
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • method__01
    99,9% solo dungeons and cyro.takes time to find ppl to play or know the mechs
    or have time so one day i tried solo..that was it,never lfg ever again :smile:
    PC EU/NA /// PS4 EU/NA

    This one hears nothing. Sees nothing. This one only sweeps.
    desperately need a survey assistant
  • Archmadios
    Morty solo, 75% but not through choice, its just hard to get a group to do anything
  • Minyassa
    About 75% solo while I chat with my bestie in Discord, usually. We have a few pairs we run if we're in the mood, but generally we solo our own toons and just occasionally hop over to help one another out with a tough fight if needed. I'm on more frequently than she is so I do a lot of soloing on my own.

    Social anxiety plays a big part in how much I solo when I'm online alone. I get the urge to join WB or dolmen groups but self-consciousness and nerves usually makes me back down from the idea. Did recently group up with a random person to do a dungeon and that worked out nicely so that's encouraging, but still probably not going to be a common occurance.
  • Tandor
    99% solo, 1% cooperative in delves and dolmens etc. I have no interest in PvP or group content in the form of dungeons or trials etc.

    I think the reason the OP thought most players focused mainly on group content is because those are the areas where the most forum complaints come from. Soloers tend to be far more tolerant of, and adaptable to, change and are also largely non-competitive in what they're doing and therefore unfazed by differences or changes in gear, skills, combat roles etc.
  • Vanthras79
    I am like going for 99% solo and 1% group. I group up for world bosses. The only exception I would make is If I found an easygoing guild on x-box 1 NA (DC), then I would do more group dungeons/etc. But the drama of pugs in groups (dungeons/battleground/etc) can wear away at my patience for such activities.

    Some people mentioned Craglorn. I think Craglorn and Imperial City should be more like Vvardenfell and Orsinium. Soloable delves/quests but retain the grouping for world bosses. That would open so much Content up for thoses of us who don't have patience for grouping drama.

    If Imperial City was more like the rest of Cyrodiil in terms of solo questing, I think a lot more people would be in there-making the pvp in here more than what it currently is. That's just my two cents, though.
    Norion Germain - Telvanni Wizard, Covenant Battle Mage, Mage's Guild Magister, Resident of Daggerfall Overlook, Lord of Tel Galen, Psijic Monk, Antiquarian, Breton Scholar, and Traveler.

  • phermitgb
    hard to put an accurate percentage on it for my own playtime, but I'd easily say that the vast majority of my time is spent solo, and quite happily - I enjoy following the storylines and despite starting play during open beta, I still haven't completed every zone storyline or dlc (taking my sweet, sweet time)

    however, I have a very nice guild which almost always has someone wanting to group when I'm on, and I do enjoy group (dungeon and trial) content so I usually volunteer when I've got at least a couple of hours of available playtime, and I enjoy the dungeons and trials a lot

    that being said, I've never volunteered, and never wanted to, for any of the timed trial or high-score runs - just too hardcore competitive for my taste

    I don't generally *love* cyrodill pvp, but I do pop on every now and then, usually when I have a specific incentive (like getting the stamina heal skill, or when there's a special event for bonus AP or some such)

    so, regarding the OP's original question/dilemma - I'd say if you'd like to do group content, first, find yourself a guild of people that you're comfortable with - like many have said, the group finder is a real crapshoot - you CAN find fantastic people there, but you run the risk of an early string of dramatically stupid or unpleasant people that might turn you off of grouping, which would be too bad, because grouping can be a lot of fun

    "There is no correct resolution; It's a test of character."
    James T. Kirk
  • FelixTheCatt
    100% of my time is spent soloing. To date have not done any group content and God willing never will. Tried doing groups a few times but player base these days is just too toxic for my taste. Always at least one jerk amdnit just takes the fun out. I figure why bother?
    Xbox - Kuchini07
    Eso - FaCoffinDye (EP)
  • aaisoaho
    80%-90% solo, usually I start my playtime by doing writs and then farming mats/chests in Craglorn waiting for guildies to look for players to do pledges or waiting for someone to LFG normal trial farm runs.
    And of course leveling my alt when I get bored with farming.

    EDIT: I forgot to say: sometimes I just solo normal group dungeons because I find them to be fun.
    Edited by aaisoaho on July 2, 2017 3:15PM
  • victoriana-blue
    Seconding the rec to talk to MissBizz: her guild Lone Wolf Help is awesome, and has weekly group events that are explicitly friendly for people who haven't run the content before. I learned my first vet dungeons with these folks and got great advice, and no one said a word about my then-ranged Breton vampire stamblade. :) Now that I've had more practice, I like taking people through new-to-them content because I get to play the mechanics instead of watch end game people burn stuff down (so feel free to message me if you're on PC-NA and want to try a dungeon).

    I suggest bring upfront when you're looking for groups. If I say "I'm new to vet dungeons and have never run Vaults of Madness, anyone want to come with me?" then (usually) only people who are patient and willing to explain - and wipe! - will respond. It really helps my anxiety to try and pre-filter groups like that, but ymmv.

    I'm about 70% solo and 30% group now. I don't PvP much, but I plan to get back into it for the event. Probably 30% gathering (it's soothing), 20% questing/delving, 5% hunting guild stores for crafting plans, 15% vet dungeons, 5% normal trials, and a bunch of time watching the world and in guild chat. Not bad for an anxious person who originally intended to stay 100% solo and with chat off, if I do say so myself. :wink:
    Edited by victoriana-blue on July 2, 2017 8:22PM
    CP 750+
    Never enough inventory space, even with storage coffers and a mule account
  • AcadianPaladin
    80% pure solo.

    15% 'same way, same day'. By that I mean my char is a healer and actively looks for others to help that just happen to be doing the same thing (notably world bosses and public dungeons). Not actually grouped though.

    5% formally grouped and often just as a spin off of helping another player - they ask my healer to join them for the rest of their dungeon crawl / quest.

    My problem with more formal grouping is that I'm not interested in trying to coordinate my schedule when it comes to play time with the schedules of others. That, and I honestly do prefer running solo and just informally helping others.
    Edited by AcadianPaladin on July 2, 2017 8:26PM
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Bouldercleave
    100% solo. I create builds that are mostly shunned upon in group/trial play - so I solo.

    I make money by harvesting and selling materials and I have a master crafter to make all my gear, potions, and provisions.

    I want for nothing.
  • PS4_ZeColmeia
    there are other people that play this game?
    PSN: ***___Chan (3 _s)
    Hybrid, All-Role NB
  • Aurie
    This thread is a real eye-opener. I would never have guessed there are so many solo'ers in what is after all an MMO, but that's the way things are going these days.

    Also very reassuring to find that lots of people are anxious about joining groups. I thought it was only me who was afraid of letting the side down and making a fool of myself.

    It just proves that whatever the circumstances you are never alone.
  • oaflet
    I've been pretty surprised, it's not what I had expected. But I'm glad I asked, knowing I'm in such similar company makes it feel a little more comfortable.
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