grim_tactics wrote: »I just solo'd the first boss on Normal then switch to Vet then back and did so until I got what I needed armor-wise. No need to run the whole dungeon just for armor unless you are running a character that can't do solo on first boss.
Had all Impen within a few days.
leepalmer95 wrote: »Those are weak numbers took me 120~ runs for defending lich resto
leepalmer95 wrote: »Those are weak numbers took me 120~ runs for defending lich resto
grim_tactics wrote: »I just solo'd the first boss on Normal then switch to Vet then back and did so until I got what I needed armor-wise. No need to run the whole dungeon just for armor unless you are running a character that can't do solo on first boss.
Had all Impen within a few days.
That's not really possible, because the first boss doesn't drop all armor pieces. It drops belt, boots and gloves while the 2nd boss drops chest, shoulders, legs and helmets. That's how you farm it.
grim_tactics wrote: »grim_tactics wrote: »I just solo'd the first boss on Normal then switch to Vet then back and did so until I got what I needed armor-wise. No need to run the whole dungeon just for armor unless you are running a character that can't do solo on first boss.
Had all Impen within a few days.
That's not really possible, because the first boss doesn't drop all armor pieces. It drops belt, boots and gloves while the 2nd boss drops chest, shoulders, legs and helmets. That's how you farm it.
First boss does drop all armor pieces.
I got every Amberplasm armor piece from doing exactly what I stated. I read on a couple sites that the first boss only drops blah blah blah but the first boss drops every piece of armor.
Cybercore_Death wrote: »The struggle is realty but if drops came a plenty then ZoS wouldn't have any players, or at least that's what they think anyway.
They previous replies are right though. You have to really grind for it if you want it. I've been running CoA dungeons for a chest piece for months. It's not a hard grind but it's tedious non the less and @itzTJ said once you hot the high triple figures mark you just kinda start to wonder why you're doing it in the first place. I'm the months I've been running (about 9) I've seen 2 chest pieces. The first was impen and the second was prosperous.... I'm mean come ZoS I'm a Mag user. What real use would I have for impen? As for prosperous, and training for that matter, being an option for BiS gear.... That's just silly.
Best thing I can suggest is put a guild /chat call out and find some dudes who need some gear / don't mind doing a few runs with you.
Limit yourself as to how many runs you do a day / week so you don't lose the will to live with. Make sure you do other stuff in between to take yourself away from the grind.
Godspeed on your hunt.
grim_tactics wrote: »grim_tactics wrote: »I just solo'd the first boss on Normal then switch to Vet then back and did so until I got what I needed armor-wise. No need to run the whole dungeon just for armor unless you are running a character that can't do solo on first boss.
Had all Impen within a few days.
That's not really possible, because the first boss doesn't drop all armor pieces. It drops belt, boots and gloves while the 2nd boss drops chest, shoulders, legs and helmets. That's how you farm it.
First boss does drop all armor pieces.
I got every Amberplasm armor piece from doing exactly what I stated. I read on a couple sites that the first boss only drops blah blah blah but the first boss drops every piece of armor.
Maybe it did once upon a time, but it certainly doesn't anymore. Either that, or you're just plain confused.
You can go kill the first boss a few times and show a screenshot with you looting the first boss and it having helmets/legs/shoulders/chest as a drop. Have fun and see you in a few years.
grim_tactics wrote: »grim_tactics wrote: »grim_tactics wrote: »I just solo'd the first boss on Normal then switch to Vet then back and did so until I got what I needed armor-wise. No need to run the whole dungeon just for armor unless you are running a character that can't do solo on first boss.
Had all Impen within a few days.
That's not really possible, because the first boss doesn't drop all armor pieces. It drops belt, boots and gloves while the 2nd boss drops chest, shoulders, legs and helmets. That's how you farm it.
First boss does drop all armor pieces.
I got every Amberplasm armor piece from doing exactly what I stated. I read on a couple sites that the first boss only drops blah blah blah but the first boss drops every piece of armor.
Maybe it did once upon a time, but it certainly doesn't anymore. Either that, or you're just plain confused.
You can go kill the first boss a few times and show a screenshot with you looting the first boss and it having helmets/legs/shoulders/chest as a drop. Have fun and see you in a few years.
Did this 2 months ago in prep for Morrowind DLC.
My friends were MIA for over a week and trying to pug Ruins never popped on normal for me as a DPS.
So I figured I would grind the first boss for the few pieces that the web listed it would drop. This is on PS4.
I remember it quite well because I had never run RoM because I had just come back to the game only a month or so before this.
First drop was a piece that she wasn't suppose to drop. So I kept farming it, for the next several days, just the first boss.
By the time I actually had my buddy hit me up on a Saturday for a farming run I had a full set of Impen Amberplasm - from the first boss.
Don't believe me - go do it. Don't trust everything you read online. They even say mini-bosses drop certain pieces. There are no "mini-bosses" in RoM the way there are in other dungeons.
I've done it and stand by it 100%. I farmed Impen set Amberplasm (minus helm/shoulders due to wearing monster set obviously) so it drops legs and chest.
Don't listen to this guy - you can solo farm 1st boss for chest, legs, arms, boots, belt of Amberplasm from first boss.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »45 runs is nothing
i probably ran darkshade over 400 times and have never seen a sharp automaton 2h. Just gave up looking for the damn thing and now im over it.
Edit: and 400 is a looww estimate..