No longer a need, you say? Are you DC or EP? We all run EotS in groups, so I guess you're just here to find easy AP. You seem to part of the problem I was trying to point out. PvP in Cyrodiil was meant to require mindful cooperation and strategy. My question is, how can we encourage more of that and less of mindlessly pushing a particular faction down to their gates?
I'm sure this has been said before, but the map of Cyrodiil, the three factions, the emperorship, and the value of home keeps and scrolls have all been set up to encourage the two factions with less territory at any given time to focus more of their collective energy on fighting the dominant faction.
So as an AD player on Vivec, it has been frustrating to see DC attacking our back keeps when EP has a clear advantage over both AD and DC. This afternoon, for example, EP had the emperorship, Chalman, and a DC scroll; they had Alessia and were attacking Faragyl in force. Good strategic thinking would obviously be to attack Chalman, right? But what does DC do? They swarm down to Black Boot and grab the scroll of Altadoon. From our perspective, it just seemed like DC was taking the opportunity to kick us while we were down, to their own strategic disadvantage. Although it looked like they were working with EP, I think that's unlikely. I think the DC hive mind just wanted some easy wins and AP.
Is this okay? I think this is the kind of activity that kills campaigns and just makes AD, or any faction in that situation, just want to log off. Is there anything we or ZOS can do to incentivize strategic over selfish gameplay?
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »In a three way system, sometimes an enemy gets tired of fighting a faction that's they're having difficulty overcoming. If one faction has too many Destro Zergblobs running around, the casuals and smaller guilds may start pushing the other, even if it is strategically inferior of a choice.
Because unlike soldiers, people will choose the more fun option over the more strategically/tactically advantageous option.
Speaking as an EP player, when there are two to three DC guilds (one of which is a destro/permafrost zergblob) camped in Chalman, it can become an absolute chore to shoehorn people off the bridge and get them pushing back our home keeps. Yesterday we had our gates opened while people sat in BRK and later Sejanus and farmed away merrily because they just didn't care. They didn't want to play with those players anymore and just didn't.
Yeah, it'd be nice if people did the wise / smart thing all the time, but this is not a perfect world. Players are going to choose whatever isn't a chore for them to do. Getting zergtrained by EP at Aleswell? Go putz around Nikel where the AD are all pugs and it's a more even matchup. Enough people make that decision and suddenly Nikel is overwhelmed and DC are on Roe Farm for the umpteenth time that day. Then Alessia flags and suddenly there goes Roe as well and then you're in Faregyl.
Trust me, EP sees the same thing happen routinely as well. It's always like that as the map dominance the last couple months is also heavily predicated by guild online times and population pools that fluctuate much more wildly than in the past.
Just my honest asssessment.
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »As other people pointed out... People will continually choose to fight AD so long as you keep losing fights to them. If you don't want EP or DC to attack you, you gotta defeat them in battle so hard that it demoralizes them and makes them want to fight the other faction instead. AD is the easiest faction to 1vX, there is a reason why all the small scale players play on DC or EP and fight at Alessia/roe/bloodmayne resource or the bridge. It's because AD feed them 1vX clips and fun gameplay.
Solution: The average AD player needs to become better than the average EP or DC player. (It's why I've been trying to help AD with build advice /strats etc.)
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »As other people pointed out... People will continually choose to fight AD so long as you keep losing fights to them. If you don't want EP or DC to attack you, you gotta defeat them in battle so hard that it demoralizes them and makes them want to fight the other faction instead. AD is the easiest faction to 1vX, there is a reason why all the small scale players play on DC or EP and fight at Alessia/roe/bloodmayne resource or the bridge. It's because AD feed them 1vX clips and fun gameplay.
Solution: The average AD player needs to become better than the average EP or DC player. (It's why I've been trying to help AD with build advice /strats etc.)
The average AD player needs to join a decent guild and work as a team. Indivual skill means nothing if you don't have the guilds.
Publius_Scipio wrote: »When DC gets to Chalman, they MUST start a heavy siege immediately. Not run around killing a few EP near the walls. Further, Chalman MUST be sieged from two opposite sides. This is a non-negotiable as the Ebonfart Fact will without a doubt send 2-3 (maybe even more) raids to defend. This will force the defenders to split up and will alleviate pressure when charging a breach. Then without hesitation DC must begin to spread out inside the keep with some setting up siege on the inner and others circling the keep for EP FC. It is imperative that DC keep circling the keep and taking out EP FCs asap. If these steps are followed the DC will have fair odds of taking Chalman even when up against what seems like a red tsunami.
The way I have been treated by my own alliance in Vivec recently is abhorrent. The vitriol aimed at me.... Aimed at me by what are supposed to be my own alliance members.... Fellow COVENANT soldiers, is quite frankly rude and unbecoming of anyone who swore an oath to uphold and fight for the covenant that is the bedrock of the COVENANT. Jauriel, Harlocke, Naked Saramis, assorted orcs, Noerse, Cornmuffins (or whatever the f[snip] you call yourself these days), etc.... Me, me of all people who even when VR4 and with blue gear charged into any and all battles against our enemies no matter who and how many. I who turn around, jump off walls, take detours, just to res someone simply because he or she is COVENANT.... And still to this day I will res a lvl 25 who I have never even seen before the same way I will res a CP 1,215 "legend" because being COVENANT means you are part of the team....
I get better treatment from people like Big Ernie than I do my own colleagues. The contrast is quite stark. I would be lying if I didn't say I was thinking about retiring.
fastolfv_ESO wrote: »As a DC raid leader i can tell you if im trying to dethrone and ad takes ash (lets be honest it happens 100% of the time) i will turn my raid around and blast ad until they are down to back 3 b4 going back to EP side. Though what your talking about sounds like a special ED pug lead dc has thats obsessed with seeing his name popup on the screen from picking up a scroll and will pvdoor any keep no matter how poor the target is to fulfill the need
The average AD player needs to join a decent guild and work as a team. Indivual skill means nothing if you don't have the guilds.
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »As other people pointed out... People will continually choose to fight AD so long as you keep losing fights to them. If you don't want EP or DC to attack you, you gotta defeat them in battle so hard that it demoralizes them and makes them want to fight the other faction instead. AD is the easiest faction to 1vX, there is a reason why all the small scale players play on DC or EP and fight at Alessia/roe/bloodmayne resource or the bridge. It's because AD feed them 1vX clips and fun gameplay.
Solution: The average AD player needs to become better than the average EP or DC player. (It's why I've been trying to help AD with build advice /strats etc.)
Drummerx04 wrote: »Publius_Scipio wrote: »When DC gets to Chalman, they MUST start a heavy siege immediately. Not run around killing a few EP near the walls. Further, Chalman MUST be sieged from two opposite sides. This is a non-negotiable as the Ebonfart Fact will without a doubt send 2-3 (maybe even more) raids to defend. This will force the defenders to split up and will alleviate pressure when charging a breach. Then without hesitation DC must begin to spread out inside the keep with some setting up siege on the inner and others circling the keep for EP FC. It is imperative that DC keep circling the keep and taking out EP FCs asap. If these steps are followed the DC will have fair odds of taking Chalman even when up against what seems like a red tsunami.
The way I have been treated by my own alliance in Vivec recently is abhorrent. The vitriol aimed at me.... Aimed at me by what are supposed to be my own alliance members.... Fellow COVENANT soldiers, is quite frankly rude and unbecoming of anyone who swore an oath to uphold and fight for the covenant that is the bedrock of the COVENANT. Jauriel, Harlocke, Naked Saramis, assorted orcs, Noerse, Cornmuffins (or whatever the f[snip] you call yourself these days), etc.... Me, me of all people who even when VR4 and with blue gear charged into any and all battles against our enemies no matter who and how many. I who turn around, jump off walls, take detours, just to res someone simply because he or she is COVENANT.... And still to this day I will res a lvl 25 who I have never even seen before the same way I will res a CP 1,215 "legend" because being COVENANT means you are part of the team....
I get better treatment from people like Big Ernie than I do my own colleagues. The contrast is quite stark. I would be lying if I didn't say I was thinking about retiring.
HAHAHA, I died when you started listing other die hard DC, though I'm hurt that you missed me For what it's worth you are about the most DC DC I've ever seen. I don't think I've gone a day in Cyrodiil without seeing you in zone chat. Keep those camps coming buddy! Your soul gems are always appreciated by those willing to admit they can't take on an entire faction by themselves.
Is this okay? I think this is the kind of activity that kills campaigns and just makes AD, or any faction in that situation, just want to log off. Is there anything we or ZOS can do to incentivize strategic over selfish gameplay?