About Us:
We are a PvE and Trial guild looking for new and old players alike. We have a discord server, a guild hall, and guild events that you can win prizes! As of right now we do normal trials on Fri and weekends right now (we plan to do them more offend when we get more leads) at 6pm cst. We are also looking to build a vet trial team here soon so we can start doing them.
There is no requirements to join but we do have some for join in on trials. Requirements for joining in on normal trial runs are to be 160cp+, 18k+ health, and be on our Discord server at the time of the trial run.
Rules and Policies
The guild has your basic rules. No talk about politics or religion and no harassment of any kind.
We do have a 3 week inactive policy. We do understand IRL stuff happens so just contact GM or leave a note next to your name when your going to be gone and around the time your going to be back and you'll be safe.
Other Small Things the Guild Offers:
I send out a schedule via mail to everyone in the guild every Sunday night for the up coming trial runs and guild events. We have a ranking system based off if you pass the promotion test which is based off your role (dps, tank, or healer). A guild hall with crafting station, training dummy, and a place to chill with friends and guildmates. Guild events that you can win prizes in. And most important of all helpful members.
How to Join?
To join please mail me in-game at
@Mace1994 and I'll send you an invite asp.
Edited by Mace1994 on July 30, 2017 6:52PM Vet since beta
@Mace_WolfheartMace Wolfheart - hybrid templar dps [main]Mafalda Wolfheart - warden tank