Bouldercleave wrote: »I have also been blessed with the 5 Kuta bag. Yes it is RNG, but when it hits, it hits nicely!
hamburgerler76 wrote: »
Ummmm I'm mainly asking cuss I just got 10 kutas from one was shocked so was wondering how they really work?
hamburgerler76 wrote: »
Glad to see I'm not alone. Does anyone know are kutas the only gold mat you can get out the bags?
Kyle1983b14_ESO wrote: »
I thought the double yield was only for nodes not sacks?
Heavy sack contents are doubled in Cyrodiil.
They have set spawn locations, and looting at one location will trigger a fairly fast respawn at another, random location within the same map.
Heavy crates are only in Coldharbour.
Unaffected by CP passives.
Crafting material can be randomly either character level or crafting level based.
Normal yield:
10x gear crafting mat
5x rune, in sets of 2 or 3.
4x alchemy mat
Edit; Plus:
10x Provisioning mat
5x furnishing ingredient