The mages guild quest was a lot of fun.I really enjoyed it - and the rewards of Eidetic Memory and a new location were really good ideas. The fighter's guild was not _quite_ as good, but was still an enjoyable questline. I don't like the way you have to grind to unlock the next quest since One Tamriel, but that's not the issue I want to discuss...
Basically, since then the Guilds have become irrelevant. I never go there anymore. I never go to Eyevea. I never go to the Earth Forge. There's nothing there for me. But I want to! Especially the mages guild which in Oblivion and Skyrim were my go-to places for alchemy, enchanting and spellcrafting/purchasing.
So what can ZOS do to make these guilds more appealing? They added daily quests, but since there is now a pretty large number of daily quests available, it's not really a huge draw. Anyone got any other ideas?
PS4 - EU
Please put the Eyevea/EarthForge wayshrines back on the map?