Of course it's frustrating as all get out when you run into a boss that you seemingly can't beat, and he or she or it mops up the floor with you and humiliates you not just once but multiple times...
... But to come back a day or two later, when you've had the chance to calm down, figure out what you were doing wrong, and maybe switch out some abilities in your skill bar, and be able to give that bully who gave you such a hard time the Big and Decisive Spanking that he / she / it deserves -- WOW, that's a great feeling! -- you feel like Christopher Reeve in SUPERMAN II coming back to the diner to kick the crap out that rat *** who humiliated him when his powers were gone!
My lady Redgard-Nightblade is BACK!
"Nothing by which all human passion and hope and folly can be mirrored and then proved ever was just a game."
-- William Faulkner.