I've been kinda thinking a lot lately about certain things not currently (if ever) in ESO that I'd love to see/have. Some cosmetic, some "gear", some helpful tools, etc. And I began to wonder what are the features that ESO is lacking that YOU want in the game? Regardless of what it is, I'm curious and think this could be a very fun and exciting discussion, even if we never get any of it, it's still kinda fun to think about it.
For instance, I desperately want capes. I think with ESO's gear and crafting system the possibilities could be endless. It could be a "back" or "neck" gear piece that players could craft with variants of light, medium and heavy armor and different styles based on racial motifs. And it wouldn't have to be limited to just capes, per se. Like a light armor "neck" piece could be something like a scarf or half cape, medium could be a long cloth/thin leather cape, and heavy could be like a thick trench coat or something. I understand that not all players, heck maybe even most ESO players don't even want capes, so ZOS could include the option in settings to display cape or not, like with head gear. It would give players an extra piece of crafting bonus and add infinite more customization options and styles to the players' appearance.
Secondly, I think spears would be great. Maybe even introduce a new skill line or two specifically for spears. Make them similar to swords in the sense you can have a two handed spear, a one handed spear and shield, or one handed sword and short-ish one handed spear. As with the capes, more variety and options for players. The more the better.
Lastly, I feel like the simple tool of "inspect player" is greatly lacking from ESO. I was shocked years ago when I first got to play beta that ESO didn't have a player inspection tool and even more shocked when the game launched without one. As far as my experience goes, ESO is the only MMO I've played without an "inspect player" tool. Heck even Destiny has one and it's not technically an MMO.
So what do you guys think? What are some tools/features/cosmetics/combat additions you would love to see in ESO?
P.S. Please don't say global Auction House.
Founder & Guild Master of the Mystic Wolves
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