NewBlacksmurf wrote: »Why are you using an Ice staff at all this f you're not a tank?
Serious question maybe not directed at you depending on the situation.
Fire is DD dps based
Light is AOE dps based
Frost is not dps based
-passive wise you'd put yourself at a disadvantage using frost. As for others doing this....gently let them know but it's their character so....shrug
Sure, you don't have to take that passive, but why does that effect exist in the first place? It seems out of place to me, so if anyone can explain how it fits in with the effects for the other staff types, I'd be thankful.
The thing is, I'm leveling a sorc and at one point took that passive, but now I'm forced to either respecc or never use ice staves. That doesn't seem right, if you ask me.
Bigevilpeter wrote: »Even if used for tanking who the heck uses heavy attack for taunt?
This just kills any potential ice staff damage builds.
Plz remove it, its pointless
Bigevilpeter wrote: »Even if used for tanking who the heck uses heavy attack for taunt?
This just kills any potential ice staff damage builds.
Plz remove it, its pointless
Sure, you don't have to take that passive, but why does that effect exist in the first place? It seems out of place to me, so if anyone can explain how it fits in with the effects for the other staff types, I'd be thankful.
The thing is, I'm leveling a sorc and at one point took that passive, but now I'm forced to either respecc or never use ice staves. That doesn't seem right, if you ask me.
FrostFallFox wrote: »Umm, I actually like it. I never use them as a pure DPS weapon, just for the pretty colors. And I like the taunt with heavy attacks. It's different but people want the same old stuff.
It was a bad change. There was no reason to change the ice staff from cc to taunt.
The counter to this is so obvious its looking u right in the face: does sword and shield heavy attack taunt?
No? Why? Because theres 2 taunt abilities in the game. One can be morphed to mag and its ranged.
Why should an ice staff tank get a free cost taunt over a sword and board user? And ranged at that!
So instead of making a viable ice staff passive for tanking, they just screwed the concept of an ice mage.
Ice mage - previously played and wanted archtype
Sword and board tanking - previously played and wanted archtype
Ice staff tanking - was never asked for by the playerbase. And infact was rejected by us, but devs went through with it anyway.
This topic has been complained about so many times. But i have yet to see a thread made by a player thanking zos for ice staff tanking.
White knighting for zos this deep into thier fubard game is just rediculous.
There are a lot of these illogical things in eso. I once made a list about things that make no sense AT all. Heavy attacks restoring stamina for example. So counter intuitive... It just seems ZOS runs out of options and keep doing these weird little changes because they cannot come up with something better.Fallen_Ray wrote: »Ice staff was better with the snare, it made more sense. Ice attacks are supposed to freeze, not enrage me to attack you for chilling me lol
There are a lot of these illogical things in eso. I once made a list about things that make no sense AT all. Heavy attacks restoring stamina for example. So counter intuitive... It just seems ZOS runs out of options and keep doing these weird little changes because they cannot come up with something better.Fallen_Ray wrote: »Ice staff was better with the snare, it made more sense. Ice attacks are supposed to freeze, not enrage me to attack you for chilling me lol
TheDarkoil wrote: »Doesn't make any sense because if you threw a snowball at someone's head they would probably laugh, if you threw a fireball at them they would probably get angry and attack you back...
It was a bad change. There was no reason to change the ice staff from cc to taunt.
The counter to this is so obvious its looking u right in the face: does sword and shield heavy attack taunt?
No? Why? Because theres 2 taunt abilities in the game. One can be morphed to mag and its ranged.
Why should an ice staff tank get a free cost taunt over a sword and board user? And ranged at that!
So instead of making a viable ice staff passive for tanking, they just screwed the concept of an ice mage.
Ice mage - previously played and wanted archtype
Sword and board tanking - previously played and wanted archtype
Ice staff tanking - was never asked for by the playerbase. And infact was rejected by us, but devs went through with it anyway.
This topic has been complained about so many times. But i have yet to see a thread made by a player thanking zos for ice staff tanking.
White knighting for zos this deep into thier fubard game is just rediculous.
Vercingetorix wrote: »I keep telling everyone that ZoS needs to add an Alteration Staff skill line for tanking. The skill line could feature wards and defensive bonuses as well as a ranged taunt. Blocking with an Alteration staff consumes magicka and completing a heavy attack with one gives you a personal shield for a brief time. The special ward spell from the Alteration skill line could apply Minor Maim to any attackers who strike it, kind of like a "passive Heroic Slash debuff" effect.
By having a dedicated "tanking" skill line for magicka players (just like stamina has), there would be a whole new archetype of builds opened up for the game and build diversity would be introduced. Imagine a Warden tank with an Alteration staff that can use its Alteration skills to give itself a ward, taunt from range, and still use its class aiblities to off-heal and buff its defenses!
Change Ice Staff to feature a chilled, cripple-defenses effect along with snaring from the Blockade effect. Increase the speed for ice staff attacks a bit and then all 3 elements are solid DPS options in their own way. Fire does DoT, Lightning does AoE splash damage, and Ice debuffs defenses and snares foes - all have secondary effects that improve combat effectiveness for a DD role now.