I've not used one but from my understanding no skills are reset, any points you spend in previous racial passives are just already spent in new racial passives.1. The change race token. If I use it to change race, do I lose all of my skills and have to unlock them again or do I keep them all?
Full list can be found here: http://elderscrollsonline.wiki.fextralife.com/Dunmer+(Dark+Elf)+Racial+Skills2. What are the stats of the dark elf racial passive? How many points do they give when all unlocked?
Drop rates no one knows, they've never been made public. Not sure on what sets personally, I do have links to Tamriel Foundry and AlcastHQ in my signature though which are two of the most popular build/theory craft sites.3. What's the drop rate for Elf Bane. Is it worth the ap points or should I look for an alternative set? What's a good alternative?
UESP has an up to date and very detailed on: http://en.uesp.net/wiki/UESPWiki:EsoBuildEditor4. Is there and good skill calculator someone can link me to.
I've not used one but from my understanding no skills are reset, any points you spend in previous racial passives are just already spent in new racial passives.1. The change race token. If I use it to change race, do I lose all of my skills and have to unlock them again or do I keep them all?
Also just to make sure you're aware (as some are not) it does only change race, not class.Full list can be found here: http://elderscrollsonline.wiki.fextralife.com/Dunmer+(Dark+Elf)+Racial+Skills2. What are the stats of the dark elf racial passive? How many points do they give when all unlocked?Drop rates no one knows, they've never been made public. Not sure on what sets personally, I do have links to Tamriel Foundry and AlcastHQ in my signature though which are two of the most popular build/theory craft sites.3. What's the drop rate for Elf Bane. Is it worth the ap points or should I look for an alternative set? What's a good alternative?UESP has an up to date and very detailed on: http://en.uesp.net/wiki/UESPWiki:EsoBuildEditor4. Is there and good skill calculator someone can link me to.
Thanks for the clarification. +1 Insightful.I've not used one but from my understanding no skills are reset, any points you spend in previous racial passives are just already spent in new racial passives.1. The change race token. If I use it to change race, do I lose all of my skills and have to unlock them again or do I keep them all?
Also just to make sure you're aware (as some are not) it does only change race, not class.Full list can be found here: http://elderscrollsonline.wiki.fextralife.com/Dunmer+(Dark+Elf)+Racial+Skills2. What are the stats of the dark elf racial passive? How many points do they give when all unlocked?Drop rates no one knows, they've never been made public. Not sure on what sets personally, I do have links to Tamriel Foundry and AlcastHQ in my signature though which are two of the most popular build/theory craft sites.3. What's the drop rate for Elf Bane. Is it worth the ap points or should I look for an alternative set? What's a good alternative?UESP has an up to date and very detailed on: http://en.uesp.net/wiki/UESPWiki:EsoBuildEditor4. Is there and good skill calculator someone can link me to.
Actually skill points from previous racial passive are refunded. You just need to reallocate them. You are are level 50 in your racial skill line tree (or at least, same level as before)
Thanks for the clarification. +1 Insightful.I've not used one but from my understanding no skills are reset, any points you spend in previous racial passives are just already spent in new racial passives.1. The change race token. If I use it to change race, do I lose all of my skills and have to unlock them again or do I keep them all?
Also just to make sure you're aware (as some are not) it does only change race, not class.Full list can be found here: http://elderscrollsonline.wiki.fextralife.com/Dunmer+(Dark+Elf)+Racial+Skills2. What are the stats of the dark elf racial passive? How many points do they give when all unlocked?Drop rates no one knows, they've never been made public. Not sure on what sets personally, I do have links to Tamriel Foundry and AlcastHQ in my signature though which are two of the most popular build/theory craft sites.3. What's the drop rate for Elf Bane. Is it worth the ap points or should I look for an alternative set? What's a good alternative?UESP has an up to date and very detailed on: http://en.uesp.net/wiki/UESPWiki:EsoBuildEditor4. Is there and good skill calculator someone can link me to.
Actually skill points from previous racial passive are refunded. You just need to reallocate them. You are are level 50 in your racial skill line tree (or at least, same level as before)