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For people reluctant to do Cyrodil

I am not a PVP'er. I am not well geared, don't group often and panic easily, however, I wanted to get to Cyrodiil to experience the shards, quests and achievements. So, I felt I needed to give it a try. I thought I'd being up a few things to maybe make you willing to stick your nose in it if it's been on your mind.
1. Two tasty skill points can be yours within 5 minutes of arrival for doing nothing but running around the safe area and never leaving that spot!
2. Some nice skills open up. Rapid maneuvers is like a massive speed burst for running around that again is available under the alliance war section of your skills without ever leaving the safe spot!
3. Skyshards are a plenty but 4 specifically are a bit more challenging to do. They are located behind gates that can only be opened by 'capturing' a temple deep in enemy territory and will require a group. You also need the group to get through the gate as it's heavily manned by NPC's. Once through the gate, head directly to the skyshard. I joined alot of groups (it's like the anchor groups, someone will toss out the letters you need to type to be auto invited into the group. Eventually after several groups, I got into one that decided to do the enemy shards and I got that accomplished! If you group, stay with the crown. He determines where you go and what you do. Splitting up and going in 3 different directions rarely ends well.
4. There are fun aspects to pvp, if you ever played Stronghold back in the day, you get to catapult meat across enemy lines, tip over flaming cauldron's of oil, ram the gate walls. It's kinda fun! (Here' comes Bessie!)
5. If you aren't geared and skilled up, you're gonna die. Esp depending on which campaign you pick. If I was in a group, I did the best I could and tried to stay close to my team mates. But, mostly I decided to just roll with what happened and not get upset if I died. I revived and trudged back many times. (remember get the rapid maneuvers) I went into it with an oh well attitude. If I was by myself doing delves or quests, I just let them kill me rather then fighting back. Sometimes you can even run into an enemy in a delve who is also hunting shards and they may or may not kill you :) I try to stay away, put away my pets (cause they'll go after them) or sit down to look less like a threat and hope they won't come after me. Last night the guy at least waited until after I got the shard and boss (we actually fought the boss together) before turning around half way to the entrance and killing me. I was hurt, I thought we were buddies at that point, but such is war ;)
I am close to being finished with shards and delves and have completed many, but not all of the quests. At this point even when done I think I will still peek in and play as it is kinda fun!

Go on now, those shards are waiting for you!!
Edited by mystfit on June 19, 2017 11:41AM
  • Knootewoot
    Respect for players who give Cyrodill a try to get the shards and delves. +1 for you sir. And good tips for any Cyro-newcomer.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • GreenhaloX
    Ahhh.. still no. Tried it with first toon.. oh, interesting, but turns out not for me. Had to take another toon into PvP so I can get Vigor.. well, oh, same undesirable, but mustered through it. Manned up to take a third toon to also get Vigor. More same old undesirable. No, no, I can't seem to man up to take a fourth or any other toons of mine into PvP. Yes, you have to give something a go-at-it to experience it, but when you don't enjoy such experience, you don't want to keep experiencing such unpleasantly. However, PvP isn't all bad. There are loads of peeps that enjoy it as much as those who only enjoy PvE. To each its own.. game on, whatever.
  • ofSunhold
    mystfit wrote: »
    5. If you aren't geared and skilled up, you're gonna die.

    Even if you are, you're gonna die. Everybody does. Not taking it personally or feeling too bad about it makes all the difference in how much fun you'll have in Cyrodiil.

    And it is really fun. Sometimes, anyway.
    Classes that don't need any class ability nerfs: Nightblades, Dragonknights, Sorcs, Templars, Wardens.
  • drakhan2002_ESO
    mystfit wrote: »
    I am not a PVP'er. I am not well geared, don't group often and panic easily, however, I wanted to get to Cyrodiil to experience the shards, quests and achievements. So, I felt I needed to give it a try. I thought I'd being up a few things to maybe make you willing to stick your nose in it if it's been on your mind.
    1. Two tasty skill points can be yours within 5 minutes of arrival for doing nothing but running around the safe area and never leaving that spot!

    Go on now, those shards are waiting for you!!

    Make sure you use one of those skill points on Rapid Maneuvers!

    I avoided Cyrodiil for the longest time, but I now go out there to close the dolmens and do the shards; it's too good to pass up. I've done the quests out there too, but I often find that's when you run into the enemy players...so just be careful.

    Also note, that when Midyear Mayhem starts next month, I'd imagine Cyrodiil will be a target rich environment for veteran and novice PVP players...heck, it may even bring on some converts.
  • Everstorm
    I got three of the four gated skyshards last weekend, and did all the quests. Being a sneaky stamblade helps. The delves stink though. Some have more than one boss and they spawn randomly every 15 minutes(from what I read). I'm not sure if I'm really going to push for those anytime soon.
    Oh, I didn't die once. Got attacked once but ran and opponent didn't chase. I did kill one guy who was attacking my faction npc guards in Cropsford. Can't approach the questgivers there when town is under enemy control so had to engage or I would be locked out of my quests.
    Edited by Everstorm on June 19, 2017 11:58AM
  • gp1680
    ofSunhold wrote: »
    mystfit wrote: »
    5. If you aren't geared and skilled up, you're gonna die.

    Even if you are, you're gonna die. Everybody does. Not taking it personally or feeling too bad about it makes all the difference in how much fun you'll have in Cyrodiil.

    And it is really fun. Sometimes, anyway.

    So much this...

    You will die often, but there is no damage done. Revive or bloodspawn and plan your next attack. Whether you latch onto a group or fly solo, Cyrodiil can be a challenge that can become ohhh so addicting...:)
  • Rickter
    I came from a heavy unreal tournament/quake arena/console-fps background and dying/gettting inst-gibbed then t-bagged was an every 5 min occurrence let alone absolute expectation. So for me, PvP was an easy transition once I set out to do it.

    With that being said, you just have to tell yourself not to get discouraged. You are going to get creamed by the other faction from time to time. they are going to be rude. but as time goes by and you learn the lay of the land, you'll find, as with anything, more and more options opening up to you.

    Edited by Rickter on June 19, 2017 12:17PM
    PC | NA | DC
    Requiem GM | Dark Sisterhood Blood Knight | Legend Mod | Legend GvG Mod
    Bloodletter | StamDK | Alliance Rank 46 | Former Emperor of Shor (2018) | Former Emperor of Thornblade #4terms (2015)
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMA | vDSA | vMoL | ALL Vet 4 Man Dungeons

  • Everstorm
    I got Vigor a few months back for my stamblade. What killed my enjoyment of Cyrodiil wasn't the pvp itself, people's behaviour or dying a few dozen times. What killed it was the loadingscreenes when dying or using the transition thingies. My god those sometimes take forever. It's really the main thing holding me back from getting vigor on other stam chars.
  • Mayrael
    I consider my self as a both PvE and PvP player (PvP is my priority though) and its true what OP have written +
    1. Accept you will die a lot especialy when:
    - youre outnumbered
    - youre running solo
    - taking a part in large sieges
    - dueling (most of the time someone will interrupt the fight and will disturbe a duel, also when someone is not afraid to go 1v1 or even 1v2/3 it means that this guy usualy is dangerous so you have to be careful)
    2. You need to stop to think like: "oh this is unfair, DK/NB/Sorc/Temp/Wardens are OP!". You need to think, what mistakes you did, what could be done better, which skills are not so useful as they look, which sets could be better. Maybe you have to high dmg so your regen is to low? When you will ask your self this way, you will learn a lot about your toon, about combat in ESO.
    3. Keep an eye on the other players, you will learn a lot not only from your team mates but opponents to. You will find masters of tactics like nbs who are using Shadowy Image and Cloak to make a fool of whole raids, you will find DKs and Magplars who use their surroundings to become unkillable, you will find Mag sorcs that pretend to be weak and vulnerable just to make you chase them and then, to kill you in seconds... and many many more.

    Its a realy dynamic gameplay which require a lot of knowledge, cunning, imagination, foresight and reflex but when done right it gives a tons of fun + PvE becomes much easier thanks to all that skills and tricks you learn in PvP. But be awere its highly addictive!
    Edited by Mayrael on June 19, 2017 12:29PM
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • Franieck
    My problem with cyrodill is not the pvp per se... It's much rather the bloody map. It completely demotivates me to be teleported miles away back to a shrine and then walk for 15 min again to get back to where i was...only to be killed again and be teleported 15 min behind. And then walk another 15 min again fighting lags. And thus the cycle continues until you can't even hear or read the nightmarish word "Cyrodill".
  • jlmurra2
    When I began playing I avoided Cyrodiil due to the PVP. I had never before tried PVP in any game, and the idea of it didn't appeal to me.

    My first character was a stamina nightblade, and while playing PVE I very often found myself in situations were I needed a good healing ability. After some research I learned that many players feel that Vigor from the Assault skill line to be an essential skill for stamina based characters, especially nightbades. So I joined a campaign in Cyordiil. It took some getting used to, but eventually I found I like it as much as the PVE, It really is fun once you learn how it works.

    Anyway, I very much enjoy PVE questing is Cyrodiil, and Sky Shard hunting in Cyroldiil is something I do with every new character I create. I have used the friendly emotes such as the "give up", or "hello" to avoid conflicts with players from other alliances. This sometimes works, though others will kill regardless, maybe they misunderstand, or misinterpret.

    Personally I never attack any other player in Cyrodiil who seems to be playing PVE, or shard hunting. I feel that is among the most cowardly of behaviors in this game to impede, or prevent someone from improving their characters.

  • mystfit
    Franieck wrote: »
    My problem with cyrodill is not the pvp per se... It's much rather the bloody map. It completely demotivates me to be teleported miles away back to a shrine and then walk for 15 min again to get back to where i was...only to be killed again and be teleported 15 min behind. And then walk another 15 min again fighting lags. And thus the cycle continues until you can't even hear or read the nightmarish word "Cyrodill".

    I do agree that that is the hardest part really. Trudge trudge. It took me awhile to understand how the teleport devices work and if you don't own much of the map, they aren't very helpful. In those cases, I usually leave and come back when we own more ;)
  • Bombashaman
    I went there to get Rapid maneuver, never going back...

    ...unless they make one non-PvP instance of it, which of course is never going to happen.
  • Alexdacrazy
    Soul Shriven
    @mystfit Thank you for this post about Cyrodiil! I feel the same way you feel about PVP, so this info really helped me and you made the game seem more awesome. Much love!
  • vamp_emily
    Yesterday I took a member of FDR to show them around IC. As soon as we got to PvP a keep was being attacked, so I dropped a siege and told my group member to hop on it and shoot the enemy. I think they ended up liking PvP and IC, later on in the day they messaged me and asked me how to make a siege ( lol ) :)

    Tip of the day:
    Wake up early and go to PvP, there is a good chance that one of the alliances night capped. It is the best time to get those skyshards behind enemy line.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • Anhedonie
    Proc! Proc! Proc!
    Watching *** drop.
    Profanity filter is a crime against the freedom of speech. Also gags.
  • ADarklore
    At Level 10 you can enter Cyrodiil and complete the 'Intro' quest and receive your two skill points, I always collect the closest Skyshards as well... then I leave. I return once my character is further leveled, but I do so very early in the morning when less people are playing so I can run the map (most of the time) without seeing another player just for the skyshards. Many times if you do come across an opposing player, they will not engage unless you do, as they are searching for skyshards too... but... I found this out the had way with Warden... the Bear will AUTOMATICALLY attack an opposing player! ZOS should really change this so that the bear ONLY attacks when you do.

    I tend to leave any skyshards that are behind closes enemy gates because there's really only a couple of them... and with the number of skyshards we can get from the main game, there's no point unless you're a completionist. I do grab the Rapid Maneuver too, because it's definitely useful for traveling and farming mats.

    However, as for actual PvP... NO THANKS. I'm not a competitive player and I don't enjoy the attitudes I find from people in Cyrodiil. The concept of PvP is not only trying to make people believe they are 'better' than others, but also in making other people miserable by defeating them... the kind of environment isn't for me because I don't need to prove I'm better than anyone else, nor do I believe defeating someone else makes me 'superior' to them. I much prefer predictability and "easy" content versus the frustration and attitudes that PvP brings.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • PS4_ZeColmeia
    I'm going to tell you something no one will want to hear. Cyrodiil skyshards are now going to be much harder to get now that there are less instances. Before the Morrowind patch there was always a server each faction owned. That made it easy to wade into that server grab your skyshards from behind the gate and move on with your life. Now you will have to actually earn it.
    PSN: ***___Chan (3 _s)
    Hybrid, All-Role NB
  • ofSunhold
    jlmurra2 wrote: »

    Personally I never attack any other player in Cyrodiil who seems to be playing PVE, or shard hunting. I feel that is among the most cowardly of behaviors in this game to impede, or prevent someone from improving their characters.

    I agree with you, and in my experience most people who PvP much aren't interested in killing people who aren't there to play that game with us - although there are always exceptions. The problems arise when it's not clear one way or the other, and in that case the PvEer is going to get attacked. It's just expedient not to let potential scouts wander around.

    It's not malicious, not personal. It's just the game.
    Classes that don't need any class ability nerfs: Nightblades, Dragonknights, Sorcs, Templars, Wardens.
  • Hippie4927
    ofSunhold wrote: »
    jlmurra2 wrote: »

    Personally I never attack any other player in Cyrodiil who seems to be playing PVE, or shard hunting. I feel that is among the most cowardly of behaviors in this game to impede, or prevent someone from improving their characters.

    I agree with you, and in my experience most people who PvP much aren't interested in killing people who aren't there to play that game with us - although there are always exceptions. The problems arise when it's not clear one way or the other, and in that case the PvEer is going to get attacked. It's just expedient not to let potential scouts wander around.

    It's not malicious, not personal. It's just the game.

    The very first time that I went to Cyrodiil, I went for the fishing. I was trying to get Master Angler but I had never done any PVP before. My toon was EP and I had to go down by AD's base camp for ocean fishing. So, I've got my pole in the water, minding my own business and the AD people left me alone to fish. But then 3 DC players snuck up behind me and killed me before I even knew they were there. I fail to see what joy or sense of accomplishment 3 people get out of ganking one player from behind but, I guess, that's just the nature of PVP. Somehow I have managed to get 4 Master Anglers even though I suck at PVP. I've gone back for skyshards and questing and even helped take a few keeps. I die a lot but have fun anyway!

    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • Docmandu
    ADarklore wrote: »
    However, as for actual PvP... NO THANKS. I'm not a competitive player and I don't enjoy the attitudes I find from people in Cyrodiil. The concept of PvP is not only trying to make people believe they are 'better' than others, but also in making other people miserable by defeating them... the kind of environment isn't for me because I don't need to prove I'm better than anyone else, nor do I believe defeating someone else makes me 'superior' to them. I much prefer predictability and "easy" content versus the frustration and attitudes that PvP brings.

    While in some cases true.. it's a bit of a generalization... sure you have people that enjoy ruining other people's fun, ie. the people running the 1-shot gank builds, the AoE destro balls (or worse, the cheat abusers)... and yes there's also people that hate loosing and will do anything to win, ie. the proc heavy builds... but there's also people that just enjoy the fight.. and while you can have fights in PvE, they are quite different, as 1 is scripted and hence predictable, while the other is more dynamic in nature due to the more unpredictable human involvement.

    So don't be too quick to judge.

    but it's not for everybody.. hence play the way you like to play! ... but as the OP illustrates, at least try it out.. you might like it.. or you might hate it... you won't know until you try!

  • apostate9
    gp1680 wrote: »
    ofSunhold wrote: »
    mystfit wrote: »
    5. If you aren't geared and skilled up, you're gonna die.

    Even if you are, you're gonna die. Everybody does. Not taking it personally or feeling too bad about it makes all the difference in how much fun you'll have in Cyrodiil.

    And it is really fun. Sometimes, anyway.

    So much this...

    You will die often, but there is no damage done. Revive or bloodspawn and plan your next attack. Whether you latch onto a group or fly solo, Cyrodiil can be a challenge that can become ohhh so addicting...:)

    I really think the "NO PVP EVAR" crowd is largely worried about just this...getting killed by a player. These guys die to robots all the time, but it is somehow different to be "killed" by a thinking person. Key thing to remember is: it's just a game. No actual harm will befall you. :-) In fact, PvP deaths don't even damage your gear.

    Veteran PvPers die all the time. Everyone does. It's not like that 12 man Trials group where dying is gonna get ya kicked or whatever, PvP is a whole different game and getting killed is part of it. Don't sweat that too much, and you can have soooo much fun. You may even find you enjoy fighting intelligent opponents that can actually react to you, since the AI robots don't ever get any smarter.

  • apostate9
    ADarklore wrote: »
    At Level 10 you can enter Cyrodiil and complete the 'Intro' quest and receive your two skill points, I always collect the closest Skyshards as well... then I leave. I return once my character is further leveled, but I do so very early in the morning when less people are playing so I can run the map (most of the time) without seeing another player just for the skyshards. Many times if you do come across an opposing player, they will not engage unless you do, as they are searching for skyshards too... but... I found this out the had way with Warden... the Bear will AUTOMATICALLY attack an opposing player! ZOS should really change this so that the bear ONLY attacks when you do.

    I tend to leave any skyshards that are behind closes enemy gates because there's really only a couple of them... and with the number of skyshards we can get from the main game, there's no point unless you're a completionist. I do grab the Rapid Maneuver too, because it's definitely useful for traveling and farming mats.

    However, as for actual PvP... NO THANKS. I'm not a competitive player and I don't enjoy the attitudes I find from people in Cyrodiil. The concept of PvP is not only trying to make people believe they are 'better' than others, but also in making other people miserable by defeating them... the kind of environment isn't for me because I don't need to prove I'm better than anyone else, nor do I believe defeating someone else makes me 'superior' to them. I much prefer predictability and "easy" content versus the frustration and attitudes that PvP brings.

    This is in your head. That is not the concept at all.
  • apostate9
    jlmurra2 wrote: »
    When I began playing I avoided Cyrodiil due to the PVP. I had never before tried PVP in any game, and the idea of it didn't appeal to me.

    My first character was a stamina nightblade, and while playing PVE I very often found myself in situations were I needed a good healing ability. After some research I learned that many players feel that Vigor from the Assault skill line to be an essential skill for stamina based characters, especially nightbades. So I joined a campaign in Cyordiil. It took some getting used to, but eventually I found I like it as much as the PVE, It really is fun once you learn how it works.

    Anyway, I very much enjoy PVE questing is Cyrodiil, and Sky Shard hunting in Cyroldiil is something I do with every new character I create. I have used the friendly emotes such as the "give up", or "hello" to avoid conflicts with players from other alliances. This sometimes works, though others will kill regardless, maybe they misunderstand, or misinterpret.

    Personally I never attack any other player in Cyrodiil who seems to be playing PVE, or shard hunting. I feel that is among the most cowardly of behaviors in this game to impede, or prevent someone from improving their characters.

    If I run into a soloer in a Cyrodiil delve, (at least on my Colonel toon who can afford to be magnanimous) and they make a "surrender" or "wave" I'm going to let them go. It's obviously a PVE-er looking for the skyshard. That isn't a RULE by any means, but most PVPers who are actual "hardcore" PvP players don't want to roflpwn a PVE-er who is hunting shards at level 30.

  • SydneyGrey
    I do basic training with every one of my toons for those two skill points and the Charging Maneuver ability. So worth it. You can also pick up at least one easy skyshard while doing basic training as well. :)
  • mystfit
    I've bee killed a few times today to a player who seems to want the last darn delve I need all to myself. I stand still, dismiss my pets but he'll have none of it /shrug I decided to do anchors instead and hopefully he'll get what he needs and move on :) The only reason I'm only slightly itchy is it's my lasttttt onneeeee!!!! ;)
  • Astarana
    apostate9 wrote: »

    I really think the "NO PVP EVAR" crowd is largely worried about just this...getting killed by a player. These guys die to robots all the time, but it is somehow different to be "killed" by a thinking person. Key thing to remember is: it's just a game. No actual harm will befall you. :-) In fact, PvP deaths don't even damage your gear.

    Veteran PvPers die all the time. Everyone does. It's not like that 12 man Trials group where dying is gonna get ya kicked or whatever, PvP is a whole different game and getting killed is part of it. Don't sweat that too much, and you can have soooo much fun. You may even find you enjoy fighting intelligent opponents that can actually react to you, since the AI robots don't ever get any smarter.

    My problem with PVP is not that I'll get killed or if I get killed by player vs. NPC, it's that I can't avoid it. I mean i can sneak by the NPC or kill it and move on, but I can't get rid of the other player who is being """ and just wants to gank me. And I'm not saying that all PVP players are like that, but I do get "lucky".
  • apostate9
    Astarana wrote: »
    apostate9 wrote: »

    I really think the "NO PVP EVAR" crowd is largely worried about just this...getting killed by a player. These guys die to robots all the time, but it is somehow different to be "killed" by a thinking person. Key thing to remember is: it's just a game. No actual harm will befall you. :-) In fact, PvP deaths don't even damage your gear.

    Veteran PvPers die all the time. Everyone does. It's not like that 12 man Trials group where dying is gonna get ya kicked or whatever, PvP is a whole different game and getting killed is part of it. Don't sweat that too much, and you can have soooo much fun. You may even find you enjoy fighting intelligent opponents that can actually react to you, since the AI robots don't ever get any smarter.

    My problem with PVP is not that I'll get killed or if I get killed by player vs. NPC, it's that I can't avoid it. I mean i can sneak by the NPC or kill it and move on, but I can't get rid of the other player who is being """ and just wants to gank me. And I'm not saying that all PVP players are like that, but I do get "lucky".

    You can sneak past players...it just requires more skill. Also, not all builds are an equal matchup for each other. The guy who is a really sneaky ganker is no good in a XvX standup fight. You gotta join a group, and play to your own strengths.
  • Cletus
    Trying to understand all these posts. When you die in PVP do you lose anything like armor or weapons? In some games you lose an item of the opponent's choice in a list of items. If all I am going to lose is some points on my weapon or armor that is not bad at all.
  • DocFrost72
    Cletus wrote: »
    Trying to understand all these posts. When you die in PVP do you lose anything like armor or weapons? In some games you lose an item of the opponent's choice in a list of items. If all I am going to lose is some points on my weapon or armor that is not bad at all.

    You don't lose anything. Free respawn means no gem cost, no repair cost cause armor doesn't break.
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